WWE to Debut show for kids

I’ve mentioned a time or two that I have a few huge WWE Wrestling fans in my family. They watch everything from Monday Night Raw to pay-per-views, they read WWE Magazine, and in between all of that they keep updated online with all news concerning their favorite Superstars. That certainly sounds like a fair amount […]

WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Party Kit Giveaway

I recently shared our family’s experience when we attended a local show of the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment). Clearly the boys and man in my family are huge fans of professional wrestling. Getting to attend a live event is super special for them since it doesn’t happen where we live very often, but they definitely […]

Juice in the City Halloween Contest

Over the years I’ve taken lots of photos of my kids. I especially loved to snap pictures of them in their Halloween costumes every October. From the time they were both dalmatians to the time they went as Frankenstein and Darth Vader, I love to look back at those photos and think about  the memories they bring to […]

Facebook and kids

This post has been on my mind for a long while now. I was one of those parents who allowed my child to have a Facebook account before the legal age. He expressed that all of his friends had accounts and that he just had to have one, too, but that wasn’t the reason I […]

Summertime, Me, and a swimsuit

There were several great prompts for MamaKat’s Writer’s Workshop this week, but the one that I decided to go with was the vlog post. For two reasons, really. One is that I’ve been wanting to do more vlog posts and the other is because the question she asked was one that I was able to […]

Look out for the calorie cop

A favorite television show my husband and I like to watch together is ABC’s Primetime Show What Would You Do?  In case you aren’t familiar with the show, basically they set up scenarios with actors and see how outsiders would react.  Will they speak up or just walk on by?  I do think that some of their […]

My Job Chart – Great way to get your kids doing chores and earning rewards

I have always thought it was important to have some sort of chore list or chart for my kids.  We’ve have paper ones, magnetic ones, wipe-off board ones, but they just never seemed to stick.  I mean, I get really frustrated that nobody helps with household jobs, yet I never followed through and stayed consistent […]

Packing a Waste-Free Lunchbox

When my kids were much younger and I wasn’t as concerned about the environment or what I put in their lunchboxes (as much as I am now), there was so much to throw out when they returned home from school.  Now, though, it is second nature and really just a habit to pack their lunches […]

I’m a Sell-Out and a Hypocrite

I am feeling a bit shaky as I write this post today.  I don’t know why.  I have a thick skin, I’m a tough cookie, after all I am a redhead.  If you’ve been here before you know I promote a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle for my family and for everyone else.  However, if you follow […]

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Friday

So, what are you doing tonight?  Watching television?  Watching a movie?  Going out to dinner perhaps?  No matter what your plans are, you should make it a priority to set your DVR for 9 p.m. EST to record Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. If you aren’t familiar with what this is exactly, I wrote a post about […]

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