Summertime, Me, and a swimsuit

There were several great prompts for MamaKat’s Writer’s Workshop this week, but the one that I decided to go with was the vlog post. For two reasons, really. One is that I’ve been wanting to do more vlog posts and the other is because the question she asked was one that I was able to answer rather easily  and without any hesitation.

How about you? Do you like to hang out or prance around in your swimsuit? Do you actually look forward to that part of the summer months?
Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. I spend a lot of time in my bathing suit but it’s because we go to the pool and the lake a lot. My kids love the water.
    Jessica recently posted..A Weekend with the FamilyMy Profile

    • We all LOVE summer and being out in the sunshine and while my boys like to swim, they don’t do it as often as when they were smaller and I’m okay with that. I probably spent more time in my suit when they were younger. 🙂

  2. Call me a landlubber, but I will be on shore with you in my pants and breezy cotton long sleeved top!
    May recently posted..More Than Six WordsMy Profile

    • Although I don’t care to swim much, I do love being outside in the summertime, but I prefer to wear tank tops and shorts…..oh, and plenty of sunscreen. 😉

  3. I totally get where you are coming from! Its not my favorite thing either. To bad for my my kids are still pretty little and fearless so the swim suit is a must right now. Ugg.
    Amy recently posted..just fineMy Profile

  4. Hey Cathy-I always find that it’s challenging at the beginning of the summer to feel comfortable in my suit. But as time goes on I find that I’m wearing it more and more. I’m definitely not getting in the water as much as my kids and I do feel self conscious walking around in my suit-but I usually get to the point where I just don’t care. Not looking forward to that first day in the suit….hasn’t happened yet. Great job on the vlog-they’re on my list too!
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..Yoga On and Off the MatMy Profile

    • Thanks Lori!! I think if it was a must (like when my boys were younger), I’d just do what I had to do, but now that it’s not a must, I just don’t have any desire to hang around in my swimsuit. Tank tops, shorts, and flip flops are more my style…..oh, and plenty of non-toxic sunscreen. 😉

  5. My suit goes on right before we go to the pool and I change as soon as I get home. I’d rather wear a t-shirt and shorts.
    JDaniel4’s Mom recently posted..Veggie Tales Live! Sing Yourself Silly Review and Giveaway 2 winnersMy Profile

    • Same here! And I walk to the steps of the pool with a towel around me and drop it just before walking in…….but boy I love the summer months. 🙂

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