Disney’s Guest Assistance Card & Upcoming Changes for Guests with Disabilities

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love all things Disney. From the first time we ever watched The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh nearly 17 years ago with Cody, to taking several family vacations to the Happiest Place on Earth, Disney brings my entire family joy on many levels. On each of our five […]

Tennis for Fun is a FREE Program for Athletes with Special Needs

Several years ago someone who worked with Cody took him to play tennis at our local city park. At the time I thought it was a wonderful extra activity  for him and a way to interact with his peers. I can’t remember why, but for some reason they didn’t go more than a few times […]

Help the Portland Sea Dogs & STRIVE Break a Guinness World Record

  One of our most favorite things to do as a family during the summer months here in Maine is attend a Portland Sea Dogs baseball game. They are the Double-A Affiliate of the Boston Red Sox and the games are always fun and entertaining for our entire family. We actually haven’t had the chance […]

Special Olympics Track & Field: This is What Pride Looks Like

Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me brave in the attempt. ~Special Olympian Oath A couple days ago I spent yet another Spring Friday cheering on athletes at a Track and Field Special Olympics. I can’t honestly say I would have ever attended a Special Olympics event had it not been for […]

Happy Birthday to You, Dr. Seuss!

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is   Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You Ever since Cody and Nick were very small we have always had shelves filled with children’s books. Paul and I loved reading to them and they both had their […]

Autism Shines

There has been some horrible stuff being said about people with autism lately. It has made me feel hurt, angry, and more protective of Cody than ever before. As of about a month ago he went from being a child with autism to being an adult with autism, but in many ways I feel like […]

Success in spite of autism

Cody has never fit into that little box filled with stereotypes of kids with autism. He doesn’t mind his picture being taken, he loves hugs and kisses, and he’s pretty tolerant of change. Well he asks a million questions if there’s a sudden change in a plan, but he tolerates it just the same. Last […]

Homecoming is a little bittersweet

I remember the excitement of homecoming week very well. I was a cheerleader in high school, so I played an active role in bringing out  school spirit in my fellow classmates. The Friday pep rally that week was filled with so much energy and excitement and the football game under the lights that evening brought […]

Travel with a Special Needs Child & Tips for Airport Security

On our recent trip to Walt Disney World the first stop we made upon entering the Magic Kingdom park was guest services to request the Guest Assistance card for Cody. It basically offers us the opportunity to avoid long lines and use an alternate entrance or sometimes the fast pass entrance. It’s a true benefit […]

Incredible Firsts

Every time I talk about our recent trip to Walt Disney World or show someone our photos, the word first seems to fall from my lips several times during the conversation. The initial uttering of that word, and really the most significant, is that my family and I were guests for the Disney Social Media […]

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