Special Olympics Track & Field: This is What Pride Looks Like

Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me brave in the attempt. ~Special Olympian Oath

A couple days ago I spent yet another Spring Friday cheering on athletes at a Track and Field Special Olympics. I can’t honestly say I would have ever attended a Special Olympics event had it not been for having my own Special Olympian in Cody, but can confidently say I would have been missing out on some of the most special moments in sports anywhere. I know I have said it before, but it’s worth repeating that if you ever have the time or opportunity to spend a few hours at a Special Olympic event, I promise you will never stop smiling and you will find yourself cheering on athletes for simply finishing their races, regardless of whether they cross the finish line in first place or in fifth place, and regardless of how they get across that finish line. While I spent a great deal of the day clapping and cheering for the kids that go to school with Cody, as well as kids I have never met before, my number one focus was on my Special Olympian. Cody had two goals: to run fast and to win. He’s a lot like me when it come to competing, but it took a long time for him to get to this point of wanting to do well, and more importantly, wanting to win. As his mother it makes me tremendously proud that he can now grasp the concept of winning, but it also adds a bit of anxiety because of how crushing it will be for him if he does not come in first place. Luckily on this particular day, at the Track and Field Special Olympics, Cody was on fire. He ran the 200 and 400 meter dashes and competed in a 1 mile walk and finished them all like a total champion. I’d say that regardless of the color of his ribbons, but I’ll be honest that on this day I was overcome with an incredible amount of pride as he raced his way to not one, but THREE first place finishes. To add to the excitement, the announcer called Cody the Grand Champion of the day, right before the final ribbon was placed around his neck by two local police officers who volunteered at the event. I specifically say two police officers because they both truly wanted a hand in placing that last blue ribbon around my son’s neck. It was truly a magical moment to witness. Cody stood on that podium, bowed his head for the ribbon placement, and then raised him arms in pride. So much pride.

Track & Field Special Olympics



  1. That photo of your beautiful son says it all. You can see it in the twinkle in his eyes and that tremendous smile. Three first place finishes! You should be proud. I am.
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..Tell Glade it’s Time to Stop Keeping Toxic SecretsMy Profile

  2. What a beautiful story — and a wonderful photo!!
    Claire Lopez recently posted..Something You Should Not to Say to Your Author Wife…EverMy Profile

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