November – The Feelings, The Food, and Family

November has always been a weird month for me. It’s mixed with both wonderful memories as well as some of the most painful of my life. It’s when the chill in the air starts to set in, it’s when Cody was born, it’s when I get to eat my favorite meal of the entire year […]

A Little Gratitude & How a Shop Vac Saved the Day

I haven’t written a gratitude post in a really long time and all it took was a trip to my basement for laundry duty to make me think I needed to remedy that. It’s literally been raining here for days. It’s like Spring only more annoying because Winter is next instead of Summer. So like […]

Fitness Friday is My Favorite Excuse to Talk about Running

Health, fitness, and especially running are all a huge part of my life, but they are also the things I seem to write about the least. This month, though, I plan to change that because I’m going to write more about the things I love and running is easily at the top of that list. […]

National Blog Posting Month – Here Goes Nothing

National Blog Posting Month – Let’s Do This! I have a confession to make. While there’s been a lot in my head that I’ve wanted to write about, I haven’t actually spent much time posting anything on my little blog over the last several months. Partly because I’ve lacked motivation and, honestly, partly because I […]

Brightech Floor Lamp Review & The Best USB Table Lamp

When we bought our home a couple years ago there were some things I loved about it and there were some things I decided I could live with since I felt the positives outweighed the negatives. For example, we’re in the middle of the city and I love that we have a decent sized yard […]

Wordless Wednesday – Scenes from My Favorite Maine Road Race


Teeth Whitening for Sensitive Teeth – The Pros & Cons PLUS A GIVEAWAY

Have you ever looked at your teeth in the mirror and wished you had a whiter smile? I know I have, but it’s never been something I dwelled on. I think I even tried some of those whitening strips several years ago, but I didn’t think the result was all that noticeable. Since then I’ve […]

Wordless Wednesday – Changing of the Guard at Castaway Cay

Running Is My Thing & An Injury Stole It From Me (For Now)

Hi. Wait. Stop. Don’t read any further. I mean, I’m so glad you’re here, but I wrote this post about finding your thing and you should read it first or the one below might not make a lot of sense. Well it would still make sense, but I want you to find your thing so […]

Finding Your ‘Thing’

Make Yourself a Priority Do you have a thing? You know, a thing. The one you do for yourself. It fills you up from your ankles to your chin and makes you feel alive and strong and maybe even gives your mental health a positive boost. If your answer is no then I ask, no […]

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