National Blog Posting Month – Here Goes Nothing

National Blog Posting Month – Let’s Do This!

I have a confession to make. While there’s been a lot in my head that I’ve wanted to write about, I haven’t actually spent much time posting anything on my little blog over the last several months. Partly because I’ve lacked motivation and, honestly, partly because I just don’t think anyone would care to read what I have to say. Now I know the most important reason to blog is for myself, so I’m truly not trying to sound negative, but finding my tribe in blogging has always been a struggle. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll never find it, especially since I’ve been at it off and on for 10 years, but I think I’ll just start writing more about what I love and see if that can lead to a love for writing.

If there’s one way to kick a blogger in the butt and motivate them to write more, it’s with the month of November’s National Blog Posting Month, or simply NaBloPoMo for those in the know.  I participated last year and even thought I phoned it in a few times with simple Wordless Wednesday posts I’m pretty pleased to say I published something on my blog every single day. I’m generally a pretty disciplined person, so I’ll give my determination a little credit, but it also helped to have a small, but supportive group on Facebook to keep me going. Seriously, if I’m being honest I probably would have slacked off if it wasn’t for them, their engaging blog posts, and their comments on mine. Did you know that blog comments are like actual gold to a blogger? No, really. There is truly nothing more cool than when someone not only takes the time to read your words, but then writes a thoughtful comment related to those words. Bloggers put themselves out there every single day for literally the entire world to see, so the least we can do is thank them for being willing to share their stories. For me the best way to do that is with comments, so while I’ve got a personal goal to write more authentically this month I also plan to comment more authentically, too.

P.S. November is my birthday month and I can’t wait to celebrate with cake. A huge slice (or three) of cake.


  1. I feel much the same way – I’ve been blogging off and on for a LONG time, but my blogging “tribe” from when I was most successful at it (successful is totally relative here) have all pretty much stopped blogging in favor of social media. It’s just not the same anymore. But I do plan on writing more for me in the future. I pay for the hosting, so why not?

    As for NaBloPoMo, I am participating again. But this year, I decided to only commit to weekday posts. I may post some on weekends and Thanksgiving/Black Friday, but I’m going to cut myself some slack and only commit to the weekdays. That’ll still be plenty of work!

    I don’t really consider Wordless Wednesday or other blog hops “phoning it in.” I will be doing that as well – maybe even picking up Wordless Wednesday again!
    Kim recently posted..I spoke too soon, and NaBloPoMo 2018 goals.My Profile

    • Blogging has definitely changed a lot over the years, but we all do the best we can. Do what works for you and I’ll keep an out for your weekday posts!

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