Review of Larabars – Super Healthfood in a Bar

I simply cannot go without sharing one of my absolute favorite “handy” healthfoods with you.  For the most part, I like to bake my own treats for my family and for myself, but sometimes for convenience reasons we all have to grab something quick and on the go.  Of course for many people that leads […]

Got Juice!

I have a juicer. It is one of my most favorite kitchen gadgets. I love that when I want fresh, organic juice I can simply make it myself. It had been far too long since the last time I made a juice and my body needs it so this morning I threw one together and […]

The Secret to Perfect Brown Rice

Okay, I know you are asking, really? A post about brown rice? Just bear with me because this discovery made my day when it comes to the preparation of brown rice, so I simply had to share it! Let’s face it, everyone loves the fluffiness of white rice, but it has practically zero health benefits […]

Quick and Easy Veggie Soup

I had to be out for a bit this morning so when I got home feeling really hungry for lunch I needed something fast and easy, but healthy! So, with what I had in the pantry I put together a veggie soup that only needed to simmer for about an hour before I could eat. […]

A Shocking New Year’s Resolution: Lose Weight

When I first started this blog my main goal was to share my knowledge about living a greener lifestyle. Obvious by the name, I know, but still. So, now I am realizing there is so much I want to write about and share when it comes to my family and the day to day adventures […]

Proactive ways to Stay Healthy during Cold/Flu Season!

I’ll be blunt! I am sick of hearing about flu shots and H1N1 shots and that to stay healthy we SHOULD have one or both of these shots. Although it may seem preventative to some, I think it is an easy way out! Now, before you all get your panties in a bunch, I will […]

Baked Pasta with Roasted Veggies-It’s Meatless Monday!

One of my favorite things to do is take a recipe that includes meat or isn’t necessarily healthy and make it my own vegetarian version with seasonal vegetables and healthy alternatives to some of the listed ingredients. How is that “green” you ask? Well, first of all, the impact on the environment from farmed animals […]

Why it is Green to Be Vegetarian!

One of the many ways I think we can all be green is to eat less meat, or become vegetarian(and if you are really ambitious, vegan). In our house, we are vegetarian(except when out of the house when my husband goes carnivore crazy)! Not only is eating no meat or less meat green, but it […]

If you have wine you can get through just about anything!

It’s going to be a great weekend! At least for my husband’s family. His brother’s family will drive the five hour road trip to come for a visit to my mother and father-in-law’s house. Pull out the red carpet, they don’t come to town often! So, this means we will make the one hour drive […]

It Goes Way Beyond Earth Day!!

I have to be honest! I really don’t get into the whole excitement and hype of Earth Day! I feel it is more about changing your lifestyle and not just about one day. I think that one particular day is a great place to start, but it is more about the lasting changes that will […]

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