Why do I even Bother to be "Green"?

I have thought a lot about this lately… A treehugger I am not.A lover of my children and their health and well-being I am.An environmentalist I am not.A hater of horrible and nasty chemicals I am.One to avoid a really good shave of my armpits and legs I am not.Someone who prefers and devours organic food I am.One to […]

Meatless Monday – Tacos with Refried Beans and Spanish Rice

I don’t know about you, but it feels like Monday comes so fast?!  That’s not even because I don’t like Mondays.  I like them, I am strange, I know.  They come fast because I think about this post and what recipe I want to share with you all for your own meatless meal.  Since we eat […]

Easy Vegetable Pot Pie Recipe for Meatless Monday

We have had some chilly, rainy days here over the last couple of weeks.  Oh, the joys of springtime.  Unfortunately, that kind of weather doesn’t make me want to fire up the grill or make a salad.  It makes me want comfort food.  You know what I mean, right?  The kind of food that warms your soul […]

When the "Lunch Lady" Visited Health Class

Yes, you read that title correctly.  The lunch lady (that’s what Nick called her in this story) visited health class on Friday.  I am guessing she would have preferred a day when my Nick was not in school. Apparently, she wanted some input from the students, and Nick had plenty. Yes, I drill information into his […]

The Day my Son was the Talk of the Cafeteria

Nick came home from school the other day and explained to me that he had been surrounded at his table during lunch.  I couldn’t imagine why.  I mean, I know he is cute, dresses nice, and is a pretty funny kid, but none of those was the reason several kids swooned (at least not on this […]

Meatless Monday – Pizza, of course!

Pizza has to be one of the easiest meals to make meatless.  There are so many wonderful, delicious, and healthy toppings to put on a pizza and you won’t even miss the meat you might be used to!Friday night is always pizza night in our home.  The kids know it, they count on it, and I […]

Food Revolution Friday – Cafeteria Chat

I made, what has turned into, my weekly visit to my son’s cafeteria for a lunchtime visit several days ago. We call it bonding time, but it has turned into an opportunity for some great “tableside” chats about food and what kids in this age group think about food.  By the way, my son loves […]

Staying Green While on the Run!

Yesterday I got up in the morning and I had a plan.  I had some household cleaning to do, work on my blog to complete, and some work for a client that needed my attention.  Oh, I also planned to walk down to the health food store to pick up some ingredients for a yummy cinco de […]

Neti Pot for Sinus Relief

Don’t you just love this time of year?  You know, for the warmer temperatures, the sunshine, oh, and the seasonal fun going on in your sinuses?  For me, I never experienced any of these symptoms until a few years ago.  At that time, I started to feel stuffed up with the itchy eyes, but also […]

Meatless Monday – Vegetarian Chili Recipe

I completely missed writing a post for  Meatless Monday last week.  I hope you at least made an effort to get through the day without eating any meat.  You really won’t wither away to nothing without it, I promise. This week I am sharing my absolute favorite Vegetarian Chili recipe with you. Not only is it […]

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