Why do I even Bother to be "Green"?

I have thought a lot about this lately…

A treehugger I am not.
A lover of my children and their health and well-being I am.
An environmentalist I am not.
A hater of horrible and nasty chemicals I am.
One to avoid a really good shave of my armpits and legs I am not.
Someone who prefers and devours organic food I am.
One to stand nude on a street corner with a sign in protest of the use of fur I am not.
A person who thinks our landfills are overflowing with pollutants I am.
A girl who would compromise style and beauty for a love of the planet, I am so not!

Mostly, I am a Mom who loves her kids more than anything, including the trees, and the grass, and the big blue sky.  I don’t want my children surrounded by or breathing in nasty fumes or feeling horrible chemicals seeping into their pores.  And no more than I would allow them to run into oncoming traffic, I will not subject them to those things that have possible lasting affects on their health and their future as thriving adults. 
After all, we are raising adults, or at least future adults, and I take that very seriously.  We are a very unhealthy country as a whole and it’s really quite scary.  I can’t fix everyone or convince them to choose healthier lifestyles, but I can teach my kids how to do that and give them the best tools I know to make future choices that will benefit them in the long run. 
We, as parents, have the responsibility to do what is in the best interest of our children.  For me that means my kids eat a healthy diet, aren’t subjected to harsh chemicals in our home, exercise regularly, never eat at a fast food restaurant, and possibly most importantly, they see me doing the very same things
At the end of the day, we can only do what we are capable of.  We owe it to our kids, though, to make sure it is, in fact, the very best we can do.
Are you giving your kids the very best you’ve got?


  1. meldabbles says

    EXACTLY. Could not have said it better myself. It is truly a challenge in this world to be "green," especially when one considers just how many things we do on a daily basis are not necessarily supportive of that. You do what you can, and I believe every little thing makes a difference, even if you feel it does not. Setting an example is really key, and I hope that with enough of us going that, future generations will be able to be healthy.

  2. I agree with you! As moms if we care about our children's health, wellbeing and future we should also care about the environment in which they live in. Well put!

  3. One to avoid a really good shave of my armpits and legs I am not. <— This is so me. lol


  4. marla {family fresh cooking} says

    Amen, what a great post. I agree with everything you say here. I do the very best I can each day to be a positive role model for my children. I coach them to make the "right" choices in food, exercise & behaviors…all of it. xo

  5. Cathy Let's Be Green Together says

    So very true Marla! The best we can do is teach by example and hope they make the right choices! Thanks for stopping by.

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