All I Want for My Birthday is Starbucks Coffee & Most Definitely Cake

Last Friday I planned for my post to focus on fitness or running or a combination of both, but then my son got some amazing news and I decided to share that awesomeness instead. In anticipation of today’s fitness-focused post I’ve been literally writing it in my head all week long. From coming up with ideas in the shower to jotting down notes on my nightstand I was excited and ready to finally bring it all to life on my screen. And then a miserable cold sneaked up on me and threw my plans out the window. I mean, did you know you can get Buy One Get One Free holiday drinks right now at Starbucks? Well I did and I totally planned to go today, but I’ve been feeling so crummy I barely made it through a necessary trip to the grocery store without needing a nap. Thankfully, the deal lasts a few more days and I plan to take advantage because I am so ready for a Peppermint Mocha, non-fat, of course! Also, the cup this year might be my favorite one to date, so get yourself in there for a treat soon.

Starbucks GiveGood

All I Want for My Birthday is Starbucks Coffee

Do you see how easily distracted I am right now? Of course it doesn’t take much to distract me in general, but when there’s coffee involved and my head feels three times its normal weight it’s way easier than normal. So here I am on another Friday with a plan in place, but life had to go and throw me a curve ball. I feel too sick to write a more thoughtful post, but definitely not too sick to not want to think (or talk) about coffee. Have I ever told you how much I love coffee, especially Starbucks coffee? It’s right up there with how much Cody loves airplanes, so I’m talking serious googly-eyed love. Like, love that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy with butterflies in your stomach. Okay, maybe that last part is a tad of an exaggeration, but coffee is my co-pilot and I’m not at all afraid to admit it. I mean, think about it. This was supposed to be a post about something totally different, but I brought up Starbucks, which made me feel sad about missing out on the holiday drink deal and then it was all downhill from there.

The good thing is that my birthday is this month and I bet you can guess what’s at the top of my  wish list, besides cake of course.


  1. so funny! yes, i get so distracted as well! i haven’t yet found a sb coffee i like! maybe i’m too hooked on home brew! looks like i had better try it again!
    april recently posted..Good Eats and Sweet Treats in Madison, GeorgiaMy Profile

  2. I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but I do love to indulge in some Starbucks myself every now and then. I enjoy trying to recreate the drinks at home, too. Maybe I’ll do that this morning.

    And cake is always good!
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..We’ve gotta stop meeting like this.My Profile


  1. […] we didn’t buy much we had a nice afternoon out of the house and I finally got that visit to Starbucks I’ve been wanting for the last few days. Oh yeah, it was quite a visit, too. Let’s just […]

  2. […] shopping is that it often leads to me spending too much money. And I want some extra money for holiday coffee drinks, so a tight gift shopping budget is where it’s at for me this year. If there’s one […]