Wordless Wednesday – I Hope You Love Something as Much as He Loves Airplanes




  1. My boy LOVES planes (of course, he’s 6. But I hope the love continues for a long time.)
    Jaime recently posted..LEGO Advent calendars – yay or nay?My Profile

    • Make sure you look into the Young Eagles program for him when he’s old enough. It’s totally free and a really cool experience for kids!

  2. I love airplanes a lot myself – though probably not as much as your son. I love vintage dishes quite a lot as well!
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..Last night almost broke me.My Profile

    • Yeah, I don’t think there are many people who love airplanes the same amount as Cody, but that’s totally okay. Vintage dishes as just as cool to be excited about. 😀


  1. […] is the exact kind of day that Cody and I like to spend a little time at the airport. One, because he loves airplanes, and two, because I love him and being out in the sunshine. We’ll be heading there a little […]