The Customer Isn’t Always Right

Remember how I said that my hope for today was to wake up feeling healthy and not completely sore from all that manual labor I performed yesterday? Well I’m pleased to share that my body doesn’t hurt at all, but that miserable cold still hasn’t hasn’t fully left the building just yet. I’ll be darned if I was going to let it keep me from my plan to get out of the house today with my family. I popped a Vitamin D soft gel in my mouth, filled my water bottle, and off we went. It turns out a lot of other people had the same plan as us today because it was very busy in Freeport. If you know Freeport, Maine this probably doesn’t surprise you, especially this time of year. Nick even commented that he didn’t remember it ever being so busy when we’d gone before and I think he was right. I can only imagine how crazy it will be in a few weeks when all the holiday shoppers converge on the outlet shopping mecca. I think we’ll avoid the place around that time.

Even though we didn’t buy much we had a nice afternoon out of the house and I finally got that visit to Starbucks I’ve been wanting for the last few days. Oh yeah, it was quite a visit, too. Let’s just say that the Starbucks deal is from 2-5 and we arrived there around 2:30. It’s a pretty small location, but it was quite busy. Apparently it was our lucky day, too, because we got in line behind the world’s worst customer and I literally bit my tongue to not say anything because I knew it would embarrass Nick if I did. Let’s just say her time at the register lasted around 10 minutes (yes, I kept track) and then even longer after that because she went back to complain after Nick and I ordered, paid, and stood waiting for our order. I’m not even kidding when I say as we stood waiting for our order (about 5 more minutes) she was still going rounds with the cashier (poor girl) and the manager the entire time. In the meantime a super long line had formed behind her and she did not care. Not even a little bit.

Nick and I finally received our drinks and food and went outside to where Cody and Paul were waiting. I gave Paul the quick rundown of how most of our time was spent either standing behind the obnoxious Starbucks customer of the day or watching her as we stood at the pick-up counter waiting for our order. And then she came outside with her two children and proceeded to tell her husband the story of her terrible ordeal. And I bet she repeats it a few times to other people making it sound worse and worse every single time.

To the young, sweet cashier who had to endure such a horrible experience for not nearly enough pay, I hope my understanding and supportive smile and generous tip helped, at least a little bit.



  1. As someone who works retail, I concur about the customer not always being right. In fact, the customer is often NOT right but will use it as an excuse to be hateful. I understand mistakes happen, but no one has to be rude to get them resolved.
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    • I totally agree with you, especially about mistakes being made. Nobody is perfect, but they don’t deserve to be mistreated because of an error. Oh, boy, some people.

  2. Jessica Brown says

    I also have a bad experience with my customers. I provide essay writing service for nursing students. I have met a number of customers who are just as bad as anyone has though. People mostly avail all the services and in the end, they do not pay.