The Bully Project

When Nick was in elementary school he was bullied by a fellow classmate. The most painful thing about it for me as his Mom was that he kept it to himself for quite some time before telling anyone. That my small boy carried around the weight of something so painful on his tiny little shoulders […]

My son owes me a kiss

Nick is one of the most affectionate kids that I know. For his age of thirteen that’s a big deal, at least that’s what I hear. Many other Moms have told me it’s been years since their kids gave them a hug, or GASP, a kiss, in public. I dare say that some of them […]

Sometimes it’s actually cool to go to school

Last Friday Paul thought he’d be the cool(er) parent and surprise Nick with an announcement when he arrived home from school. He asked Nick if his locker had been cleaned out and if all of his school stuff had been taken care of since it was one day shy of officially being summer vacation. Nick curiously answered […]

Creativity and parenting go hand in hand

I don’t like to force my kids to do anything that they don’t want to do.  I prefer to ask questions and have a conversation as to why they feel the way they do because sometimes the reasons are painful and need to be addressed.  Sometimes they aren’t, but I feel as a Mom it’s my job to […]

Wordless Wednesday – He didn’t get his artistic talent from me

10 ways to stay healthy this season that don’t include a flu shot

The rush has begun.  Not the holiday shopping rush.  Not the rush to buy me a birthday gift (there’s still plenty of time for that since my birthday isn’t until the end of November).  The rush to get a flu shot.  I’ve seen signs around my town and my son brought home a notice to […]

Please disregard the school’s wellness policy

My sons’ school district has a wellness policy, a clearly written, well defined wellness policy.  For the most part it is followed.  For the most part.  There are no soda machines that the students can purchase from (you read that correctly, none accessible to the students, but there might be soda machines where the teachers can make […]

School’s No Cell Phone Policy Doesn’t Pertain to Teachers, Apparently

A few weeks ago, Nick and I were driving in the car just having a casual conversation about how glad he was that his first year of middle school was behind him (admittedly, I was really glad, too) and how excited he was for seventh grade.  Yes, I said excited.  This is a child who had a tough […]

Wordless Wednesday – An Evening of Immense Pride

Last week we attended a promotion ceremony for Cody.  He has completed Middle School and will start High School in the fall. A few snapshots from the evening (courtesy of a family friend). Waiting patiently for announcement to be seated. We were all feeling extremely proud, I swear! Thinking about going home and having “computer” time. Students were […]

Going to McDonald’s as a "Community Outing"…….You Have Got to be Kidding Me!

Yes, you read that title correctly.  My son’s class is going on a community outing to McDonald’s (no, I didn’t include Old in that name and NO there won’t be any cute little animals to pet or feed)  and  they will be eating lunch there tomorrow.  Well, my Cody won’t be eating the food, but everyone else will be. I […]

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