November NaBloPoMo – This Year I’m Crossing the Finish Line

November is such a weird month for me. It’s usually the start of colder, sweater-wearing weather here in the Northeast, it’s the month of Cody’s and my birthday, it’s the month my Dad died, and it’s the month of one of my favorite food holidays. Seemingly so many topics and feelings to write about yet I have never been […]

Sometimes we all need a person

You’re my person. This is a line from Grey’s Anatomy between the characters Meredith and Christine that has always stuck with me. I mean, I realize it’s television and all, but their friendship is one that I’ve always admired and it’s the kind I wish I had, in real life. That line came back to […]

Diva Cup – A thank you, a little love, and a GIVEAWAY!

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Diva Cup and the amazing women behind this super fantastic gem of a feminine menstrual product. While I hate my period, feel miserable for a solid week, and wish my husband could feel a few cramps just once, I appreciate the true feeling of freedom that the […]

Meeting my favorite bloggers makes me more nervous than being on The Price is Right

I’m excited and stressed and having moments of feeling so nervous I might vomit. It’s like taking the floor for my high school cheering competitions all over again. For the record, yes cheerleading is a sport, I have a knee injury to prove it. Here I am more than 20 years past my high school […]

I’m feeling a little stressed right now

I’m beyond excited. Not only am I leaving in less than two weeks for an amazing blogging conference, BlogHer, but it also happens to be in my most favorite city, San Diego. When my husband and I were first married we lived in San Diego. As a matter of fact, we lived about a five minute walk from […]

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