I’m feeling a little stressed right now

I’m beyond excited. Not only am I leaving in less than two weeks for an amazing blogging conference, BlogHer, but it also happens to be in my most favorite city, San Diego. When my husband and I were first married we lived in San Diego. As a matter of fact, we lived about a five minute walk from the Convention Center, where BlogHer is being held this year. This city has so many wonderful memories for me and I have to say, if the opportunity arised, I’d happily move back in an instant. While I’m looking forward to seeing many familiar sites and just soaking up the city that I love while I’m there, plus attending sessions at the conference, networking, catching up with blogging friends, and maybe attending one or five parties, I can’t completely relax and enjoy myself unless I know things are all set at home.

As Moms, I doubt I’m alone on this. When we travel, we need to be sure our kids are looked after, that they are fed well, and maybe have at least one shower and brush their teeth while we’re away. My boys are 12 and 16 and realistically those are okay ages for some independence, but in our case, as many people know, Cody (our 16 year old) has autism. Leaving them alone for an extended period of time would mean Nick looking out for his big brother and that’s something I’ve just always vowed I’d never do to Cody’s sibling. It’s not his job. Mind you, we’ve gone five minutes up the street to the grocery store with them at home, phone close by, but it’s never for very long and certainly not for an entire work day, which is the case for my husband while I’m away. Not to mention he works thirty minutes from home. Coordinating care seemed so much easier when they were younger. It was obvious that they needed a sitter. Now though, they are 12 and 16 and at this point of doing okay at home alone, but still needing someone looking out for them. Cody’s pretty high functioning and verbal, but as far as safety goes, he requires someone to watch his back.

So this is my current stress. Not only is there so much to plan and organize for a trip like this, not to mention the nerves I feel about a conference of this magnitude, but there’s also this tugging in my gut that tells me I need to be confident my boys are okay when I’m away, 3,000 miles across the country. I want to know when I kiss and hug them goodbye at the airport that they will go have some boy time with their Dad and make some fun memories of their own, while I hopefully do the same in San Diego.


  1. There’s a lot to plan for this trip! The logistics are daunting. Hang in there. Hopefully once you sit down on the plane it will all feel OK. I want to hear about those 5 parties you’re going to!!

    • There is SO much to plan for sure, Lori! It will be fun and exciting and over before we know it. Did I say 5 parties? It must be up to at least 8 by now.

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