Diva Cup – A thank you, a little love, and a GIVEAWAY!

It’s no secret I’m a huge fan of Diva Cup and the amazing women behind this super fantastic gem of a feminine menstrual product. While I hate my period, feel miserable for a solid week, and wish my husband could feel a few cramps just once, I appreciate the true feeling of freedom that the Diva Cup has brought to my life, not to mention the money it saves me and the vast amount of waste I’m not contributing to the landfill every month. I don’t ever have to worry if I’m out of supplies and need to beg get my loving husband to make an emergency run to the store for necessities, although it always meant he could also buy a six pack of beer because what man in his right mind and who values his masculinity would ever walk up to the cash register with just a box of tampons or maxi pads? Not mine. No way. Now though, he doesn’t have to make any trips to the store for me so I guess you could say the Diva Cup saves my husband lots of embarrassment. I told you this product is freaking fantastic.

I couldn’t have been happier when I was asked to represent Diva Cup at BlogHer this year as part of the BlogHerDivas team. There’s nothing better when attending a conference than to be there and talk and share and hand out information and products from a brand you already love and adore! It was an honor to talk about something I find to be so important and truly life changing to any menstruating woman who will listen. Seriously. Thank you Diva Cup.

Now for the super fantastic fun part where I get to totally make the day of somebody else. I get to change the life of a menstruating girl, woman, sister, or friend with a Diva Cup giveaway! I’m so excited to be able to offer this to one lucky winner. It’s your chance to win your very own Diva Cup. So if you’ve been wanting to try one, but were a little nervous to take the leap or you’ve never heard of a Diva Cup (this one can’t possibly be the case), or you’d like to change the life of a special woman in your life, here’s your chance to win one! I’m going to keep it simple. Just leave a comment expressing your interest in winning a Diva Cup – one entry per visitor please.

Here are the details, what you get:

One Model 2 Diva Cup (for women over 30 years old and/or who have given birth to a child.) shipped directly to you, from me. U.S. entries only please. The giveaway will end at 11:59 p.m. EST on September 1st and I will use a random number generator to determine the winner. They will have 48 hours to respond and accept their prize or a new number will be chosen.

Disclosure: While I was provided a generous stipend to represent Diva Cup while attending the BlogHer 2011 conference, my opinions are always honest and fair. I simply love Diva Cup and have for a very long time.


  1. I’d LOVE a Diva cup!

  2. I would love to win a diva cup!

  3. I’ve heard all my friends raving about the Diva Cup and I’d love to win one! 🙂

  4. I’d love to win a diva cup!

  5. I want to win a DivaCup!

  6. I have heard about these and would love to try it out!

  7. I’d LOVE to win a Diva Cup! I’ve heard they’re AMAZING!

  8. Julie Wannamaker says

    I have heard SO many winderful things about the Diva Cup! It would make. my. day. to win one!!! 🙂

  9. Julie brown says

    I would love a diva cup

  10. Shannon Alexander says

    I would love to win! I really want to try one
    shannonsweep at gmail dot com

  11. Thank you so much for this giveaway! I have been interested in Diva Cup since first hearing about it but have been apprehensive in purchasing one.

  12. Everyone says DivaCup is amazing and I want to win one!!!

  13. I would LOVE to try a diva cup! I have heard really good things about it, and I like that you have the convenience of a tampon, but you’re not sticking a chemical stick into yourself! I’ve been a little scared to try it, and I haven’t really wanted to dish out the money to try it!
    tannis_z at excite dot com

  14. would love to win! :o) Thanks for the giveaway!!

  15. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I would love to win.

  16. I am wanting to be more environmentally friendly & I can’t stand pads or tampons anymore. I need an alternative, & the Diva Cup sounds like what I’m looking for/needing! I’m very excited!

  17. Have you ever tried any other cup besides the Diva Cup? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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