Why it is Green to Be Vegetarian!

One of the many ways I think we can all be green is to eat less meat, or become vegetarian(and if you are really ambitious, vegan). In our house, we are vegetarian(except when out of the house when my husband goes carnivore crazy)! Not only is eating no meat or less meat green, but it […]

Kids Konserve Review and Discount Code!

Providing my kids with a waste-free lunchbox has been a gradual transition that I am pleased to say is basically complete! From reusable containers to the cloth napkin, my kids don’t throw anything from their lunchboxes away! Good feeling, great feeling! Consider these facts from the Kids Konserve website: Children’s lunches create 3.5 billion pounds […]

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Review and Giveaway!

I have to tell you that coconut oil has become an absolute staple in my home. From baking and frying with it in the kitchen( I even used it once or twice to make popcorn) to all over skincare in the bathroom, it is so wonderful for your skin and can be substituted for traditional […]

If you have wine you can get through just about anything!

It’s going to be a great weekend! At least for my husband’s family. His brother’s family will drive the five hour road trip to come for a visit to my mother and father-in-law’s house. Pull out the red carpet, they don’t come to town often! So, this means we will make the one hour drive […]

Attacks on Bloggers Disgust Me

Okay, so I have always told my younger son to be kind to others and to never pick on anyone and if he witnesses someone being picked on, he should defend that person or get a grown-up. See, he has an older brother with autism and he knows what it is like to live in […]

My kids don’t drink soda…..and other reasons I am a horrible Mom!

Like most Moms, my priority is the health and well-being of my children. I protect them as best I can from harm, feed them a mostly organic diet, expose them to no harsh chemicals in our home and teach them smart choices for when they aren’t actually with me to make the choice for them. […]

Why you Should Bother to Visit your Local Farmer’s Market

I know the word bother seems so negative, but that is what some people say about vistiting their local farmer’s market. I mean, I know they aren’t always on your usual path and who wants to go the grocery store(s) to search out the best deals and also make a special trip out for the […]

Lunapads Review and Giveaway!!!

Okay, I consider myself a green girl…..I have a cool reusable water bottle, I recycle, never buy paper towels or paper napkins, buy organic food, organic hair care products, make my own household cleaner, and only use soap nuts for my laundry! The one area I just hadn’t dove into yet was feminine hygiene products. […]

Product Review: Glass Dharma Straws

A while back I decided to enter a contest over at EcoOfficeGals for some glass straws from Glass Dharma. I personally don’t use straws very often, but the kids do so I thought this would be a fun way to have some straws that were NOT plastic!! Let’s face it, most people don’t reuse their […]

It Goes Way Beyond Earth Day!!

I have to be honest! I really don’t get into the whole excitement and hype of Earth Day! I feel it is more about changing your lifestyle and not just about one day. I think that one particular day is a great place to start, but it is more about the lasting changes that will […]

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