5 Things You Thought You Never Needed to Know About Me

While I love to read many different types of blogs on many different topics, I personally love learning about the the person behind the blog. Not in a creepy stalker way, but in a genuinely interested and curious way. Since that’s the kind of stuff I love to read I thought it would be fun to share some unknown (or maybe not) little facts about myself that I’m sure you’ve been dying to learn.

  1. The very first time I flew on an airplane was when I was in high school and traveled all the way to Ireland with the incredible honor of performing in the Dublin St. Patrick’s Day Parade. It was an experience I’ll never forget and it’s totally true what they say……it really IS so very green there!
  2. I kissed Bob Barker, on the cheek of course, for my Nana who absolutely adored the man when he was the host of the Price is Right Game Show. How did I get such a rare opportunity you ask? Well, I was a contestant on that little game show and, umm, I won a few things. It was such a fun experience and one I want to share with Cody someday because he just might be the show’s number one fan. Just don’t tell Bob Barker that Cody likes Drew Carey better. I’d hate to hurt the old guy’s feelings.
  3. Okay, the next little tidbit is one I hesitate to share for fear you might all hate me with jealousy, but it’s a cool one so I can’t leave it out. Once, about sixteen or seventeen years ago, I danced on stage with THE Chubby Checker. As in, I totally did the twist with the man himself. OH, and I didn’t just walk up on stage to dance with Chubby, he actually dragged me up because he totally knew by looking at me that I had moves like Jagger. Okay, fine. He didn’t drag me up, but I do remember him taking my hand and inviting me on stage and I remember twisting my little heart out until I practically fell off the stage. Ahhh, the memories.
  4. My husband and I were once guests on the Dr. Phil Show. Before you ask why in a hushed tone like everyone else did at the time, it was totally a light-hearted show about obsessions….my husband’s for the WWE and mine for, ummm, Dr. Phil. We really did have an amazing time and Paul got two front row seats to Summerslam the following year, so it was worth be treated like royalty for a couple of days in Hollywood.
  5. Okay, so this isn’t technically an additional fact about me since it kind of goes with #1, but it’s all I’ve got. When I filled out the contestant form for the Price is Right my husband and I had eloped a few months earlier, but nobody back home in Maine (we lived in San Diego at the time) knew we were already married, so I was a little nervous about writing my married name on the form and having everyone learn we were married on national television. You know, in the event I was actually chosen as a contestant. Turns out, your first name at birth matters even more than your last name to the folks at CBS, or at least it did back in 1992, which is why the announcer called me Catherine instead of Cathy right before he demanded I Come on Down!

Your turn! Tell me something not a lot of people know about you! Tell me. Tell me.


  1. Wow you have had some great moments in life. It’s so fun when you make fabulous memories.
    Rebecca Bryant recently posted..Friday Book Club: Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr #BookReview #TravelBloggerMy Profile

  2. Hmmm something people don’t know about me.
    That’s kinda tough because I am pretty much an open book.
    Nothing as exciting as kissing Bob Barker! LOL!!
    Heather lawrence recently posted..{Part 9} 15 things to do with your kids in the summer timeMy Profile

    • Ha! Well, I have to say that I’ve definitely not met a lot of people who can also say they’ve kissed the old guy, so it’s a pretty special memory.

  3. Looks like you have some fun memories! I love The Price is Right.

  4. Oh man. Ever since I was a kid about 5 and watching price is right at my grandparents on lunch from school I’ve always wanted to go. How cool!

  5. How lucky… I was never called down in Price is Right.
    Debbie Denny recently posted..Unsavory Delicacies By Russell Brooks! #UnsavoryDelicaciesMy Profile

  6. You are waaaaaaaaay more interesting than I am and you’ve done waaaaaaaay more stuff than I have. I’ve lived a boring life. I think it’s awesome that you kissed Bob Barker on the cheek.

  7. How cool to be on the Price is Right I grew up watching that show!
    Ashley @irishred02 recently posted..Nordic Naturals Omega Junior and Back to School Giveaway!My Profile

  8. I am incredibly jealous that you were were asked to “Come On Down” on the Price Is Right! I grew up with that show on every day, Monday through Friday! lol
    Jessica Harlow recently posted..Cooking in the kitchen with the BEST set of measuring spoons!My Profile

  9. Price is Right? How cool is that! AND Dr. Phil? You’re practically a celebrity!
    Sherri recently posted..5 Ways to Make the Most of the TpT Back to School SaleMy Profile

  10. Those are definitely some bucket list moments! Love it from the Price is Right to dancing on stage – that’s how to live!
    Taralyn recently posted..Once I Was a Beehive – Opening in theaters August 14My Profile

  11. Wow that is super cool! I used to love this show and always wanted to go on! What a great experience you had!
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted..Super Saturday Giveaway Link UpMy Profile

  12. How fun that you were on Dr Phil. That is a fun fact.

  13. How cool! I am interested in what you won on PIR???
    Laura funk recently posted..How #Disney Villains Stole My Heart #VillainDescendants {ad}My Profile

  14. Wow .. sounds like you’ve lived quite the life. I remember watching “The Price is right with my Grandmother” It was so much better back then
    Lorane recently posted..Haute People goes on Radio!My Profile

    • I’ve definitely had some amazing experiences, Lorane! My grandmother is a huge fan of the show, too. I kissed Bob Barker FOR her, actually.


  1. […] Price is Right (I was once a contestant and Cody loves it, so we always watch together when he gets home from […]

  2. […] when I was a child because we simply couldn’t afford it. My first time traveling was to Ireland, which was a pretty big deal since I was not only flying to different country on another continent, […]

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