U.S. Cellular’s Big Country & Win a Trip with Andrew Zimmern

I love to travel and I’m so grateful for all the trips I’ve taken and the amazing locations I’ve had the opportunity to experience, both alone and with my family. The trips with Paul, Cody, and Nick mean more to me, especially since my family wasn’t able to travel when I was a child because we simply couldn’t afford it. My first time traveling was to Ireland, which was a pretty big deal since I was not only flying to different country on another continent, but I was also doing it without my family at the age of seventeen. It was a truly unforgettable experience that I will always treasure as look through photos and remember everything I did was visiting the Emerald Isle. Since then I’ve been to some pretty awesome places including California, North Carolina, Michigan, New York City, and oh yeah a little place in Florida you may have heard of before. I’ve certainly traveled more than some people and way less than others, but I’m mostly happy to have been able to provide my kids with some wonderful travel experiences that I hope they will never forget.

Cliffs of Moher Ireland

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland, 1989

Did you know that millions of Americans have never traveled or left the state they grew up in? Many say they have dreamed of going on a special trip, but never seem to have the time or ability to do so. In fact, U.S. Cellular recently conducted a travel survey that revealed around 1 in 3 Americans (about 30%) have never traveled across the United States. (Results are from an online survey of 3,562 nationally-representative smart phone owners conducted by Ipsos Marketing on behalf of U.S. Cellular. The survey was conducted from Jun 18-25, 2015.?

This statistic makes me a little sad, especially since I personally love to travel and wish that others could, too, if it’s something they desire and that is why I’m beyond thrilled to share U.S. Cellular’s Big Country starring Andrew Zimmern!

Andrew Zimmern Big Country

Here’s the scoop on Big Country:

  • This summer U.S. Cellular is partnering with award-winning TV personality, chef, and food writer, Andrew Zimmern, to introduce Big Country. It’s a five-episode digital series where U.S. Cellular and Zimmern search for deserving customers from all over the United States and take them on trips to places they’ve always wanted to go, including New York City, Portland, Maine, Bend, Ore. and San Francisco.
  • Big Country began airing  July 20 online at the Big Country website as well as on uLive.com, FoodNetwork.com and TravelChannel.com. Edited vignettes will appear on Food Network and the Travel Channel.
  • U.S. Cellular created the series with Scripps Networks Interactive and Andrew Zimmern to give their customers amazing opportunities to experiences places across the country, all while keeping in touch with their family and friends back home thanks to U.S. Cellular’s nationwide coverage.
  • Big Country features U.S. Cellular customers who haven’t had the time or opportunity to travel far from where they live. Participants were chosen after being nominated by friends and family who felt they deserved an unforgettable travel opportunity. Their stories include overcoming a fear of flying and seeing the New York City skyline while riding in a helicopter! I can tell you from personal experience that riding in a helicopter is one of the most exhilarating feelings ever, but doing it over New York City would be absolutely breathtaking!

Win a Travel Adventure with Andrew Zimmern

Here’s where things get really exciting. U.S. Cellular is looking for one more deserving traveler to appear in the fifth and final episode of Big Country. You can apply or nominate others HERE, now until August 10th for the chance to travel with Andrew Zimmern! Oh my gosh, how amazing is that?!?! I don’t know about you, but I’m already thinking of all the places I’d love to travel and I might even have someone in mind to nominate!

How about you? Is there someplace you’d love to travel with Andrew Zimmern? Or is there a special U.S. Cellular customer you’d love to nominate? If so, hurry, because you only have until August 10th!


Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of U.S. Cellular’s Blogger Brigade, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. Please note: The contest is only open to U.S. Cellular customers. 




  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    I am not one of those millions of Americans. I love to travel. I have been to several states. It is good to see that U.S, Cellular is working hard to get people to travel though. Everyone should get the opportunity at least.

  2. I have actually always wanted to meet Andrew every since I started following his shows. I don’t think I could ever be as brave as hi with some of the foods he eats! I am beginning to love to travel more with each trip I take!
    April Ockerman recently posted..Sparklers and Mommy Time in the Mazda6My Profile

  3. What a cool idea and I can’t wait to see where people get to go! I love to travel and while I haven’t done much lately due to young kids at home, I’ll be doing more in the coming years!
    Jeannette recently posted..Share Your Summer with New Neighbors and a Coke Cake RecipeMy Profile

    • I hear you! The first time we traveled as a family my younger son was around 5, but it’s definitely challenging when they’re little.

  4. I’d love to go to Belize, Ibiza, even Hawaii! I’m thinking of my ultimate spa vacation right now, thanks for the info!
    Tina @ My Highest Self recently posted..Review: Simple Exfoliating Facial WipesMy Profile

  5. This is really neat. I would love to do this.
    Debbie Denny recently posted..Universal Pictures Home Entertainment: Tremors 5: Bloodlines! #TREMORSMOVIEMy Profile

  6. I’ve traveled a lot of this country and Canada, but never beyond that. I’d really love to see the world.
    Tamara recently posted..Look What I Made!My Profile

    • I’d love to see more of the world, too, but first I definitely like to see more of the United States. Oh, and visiting Canada would be fun, too.

  7. I love Andrew Zimmern! Especially his new show! This would be a fun giveaway to win!
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted..Partying With OH In The Home Party Edition Movie / Giveaway #HomeInsidersMy Profile

  8. I like the idea of being able to meet Andrew Zimmern! You are so right about the travelling . I live on an “Island Paradise” and have not traveled at all
    Lorane recently posted..Lazy Day Life HacksMy Profile

  9. I feel like I’m missing so much of the world. I’ve never traveled, well except for cross country moves due to the military but we were always on time constraints.
    Chelle OJSA recently posted..2015 Subaru Legacy: Our Weeklong Test Drive & ReviewMy Profile

    • I know what you mean. There are so many amazing places to see, but life always seems to get in the way. Or money. Money definitely gets in the way, too.

  10. Helene Cohen Bludman says

    someone will be very lucky to win this contest. I love traveling and there are so many places I still want to visit.

  11. I would love to go to Scotland and see where half of my family came from and then head over to Ireland to see where the rest are from. So many places we want to go and see and no time to go and see them all!

  12. we have never really been anywhere I think this would be totally awesome to travel some
    angie recently posted..Anywhere Labels giveaway ends 8/14My Profile

  13. I would love to travel more. Time and money always seem to be an issue, but we try to find ways to get around! We did Disney 2 years ago and it was an amazing family trip. I’d love to travel abroad someday too!

    • Disney is our favorite place to travel as a family, but we don’t get there nearly as much as we’d like to. Traveling to overseas would be amazing, too!

  14. Can you even imagine traveling with him? Very cool!! I like to travel. 🙂

  15. How cool. I love to travel but never do it. We have a big family, and have been living in heck for the past 5 years so I haven’t had the chance but plan to travel soon enough. Would love to see more of the USA.
    Jeanine recently posted..DIY Lemon Body ScrubMy Profile

  16. What a wonderful heart felt giveaway. It is sad that 1 in 3 people haven’t tracked out of their home state. Our country has so much to see!
    Maryann recently posted..2015 Back To School GiveawayMy Profile

  17. What an amazing giveaway! I love to travel and my kids do too. I’m excited to see who wins the giveaway
    Amanda recently posted..Making Birthday Mornings Super SpecialMy Profile

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