The power of a buffalo wing

Once upon a time there was a vegetarian named Nick…… Nearly three years ago Nick declared he wanted to be a vegetarian. I asked if he was sure, truly believing it wouldn’t last more than a few days. I mean, he’s a kid, and at that time he was only ten years old and kids like […]

Meatless Monday – Fried Brown Rice with Veggies and Tofu

I know what you’re thinking right now.  It’s been like forever since I posted a Meatless Monday post and you’ve all been eating meat like crazy because I have failed you miserably as a leader.  Or maybe, wow Cathy, you’re such a slacker and yeah, we’ve been doing just fine without your Meatless Monday posts […]

Meatless Monday – Five Favorites of my Meat Loving Husband

My husband loves meat.  It is what it is and that’s okay, but I am the shopper and don’t buy much meat at all, which means it’s pretty much Meatless Monday most days in our home. My younger son and I are vegetarians and my older son is mostly vegetarian, but my husband would still […]

Don’t Criticize my Food Unless you Want the Truth About Yours

My younger son and I are vegetarians.  Well, for the most part we are with the exception of the occasional really good quality piece of fish.  We have hosted small birthday parties and attended medium and large family gatherings and pretty much every time there is someone who thinks they are somehow being given free […]

Meatless Monday – Penne Pasta with Roasted Veggies and Field Roast Sausage

One of the hardest things to accomplish while being a vegetarian with my son (we do eat fish on occasion, so I guess technically we are pescetarian)  has been to prepare meals that will please my husband the carnivore.  On occasion I do buy him a local steak or ground beef, but for the most […]

Easy Vegetable Pot Pie Recipe for Meatless Monday

We have had some chilly, rainy days here over the last couple of weeks.  Oh, the joys of springtime.  Unfortunately, that kind of weather doesn’t make me want to fire up the grill or make a salad.  It makes me want comfort food.  You know what I mean, right?  The kind of food that warms your soul […]

Meatless Monday – Pizza, of course!

Pizza has to be one of the easiest meals to make meatless.  There are so many wonderful, delicious, and healthy toppings to put on a pizza and you won’t even miss the meat you might be used to!Friday night is always pizza night in our home.  The kids know it, they count on it, and I […]

Meatless Monday – Vegetarian Chili Recipe

I completely missed writing a post for  Meatless Monday last week.  I hope you at least made an effort to get through the day without eating any meat.  You really won’t wither away to nothing without it, I promise. This week I am sharing my absolute favorite Vegetarian Chili recipe with you. Not only is it […]

Larabar Review and Giveaway! (ENDED!!! )

Have you ever left home to run errands and realized about half way through your stops that you are suddenly really hungry?  It would take way too much time to go into the grocery store to pick up a healthy snack so you decide to make a quick stop for something that’s, well, way less […]

5 Must-Haves for My Vegetarian Pantry

Ever wonder what vegetarians eat?  Well, besides vegetables, of course. It is a common question I get and sometimes has negativity attached to it, but I realize that’s just people and their ignorance to the unknown.  I want to share some basic staples to have on hand that happen to be packed with health benefits.  These […]

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