You don’t have to install solar panels to call yourself green

I really think it’s things like solar panels and wind turbines that make people think living a greener lifestyle is very expensive.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to afford either one of those things and I’m okay with that because I feel all the small things […]

How Green is Your Conference?

I was fortunate to attend two conferences in the last two months.  They were very different in size and in overall vibe, but both had many great experiences that I will hold onto for a very long time.  While attending both I immediately turned on my green radar to zone in on areas that were […]

Saxsy Stuff Shopping Bags – Review and Giveaway(ENDED)

When it comes to my eco-friendly, green goddess lifestyle, I have a few things that I simply can’t live without.  They are the things that I use on a daily basis, well, most days.  Without them I would just be lost, kind of like a treehugger without body hair.  Yeah, I think you know what I mean.I […]

It Goes Way Beyond Earth Day!!

I have to be honest! I really don’t get into the whole excitement and hype of Earth Day! I feel it is more about changing your lifestyle and not just about one day. I think that one particular day is a great place to start, but it is more about the lasting changes that will […]

10 Great Ways to Reuse an Empty Glass Jar!

  From honey jars to peanut butter and almond butter jars, I definitely have my share of glass accumulating in my cupboard of storage containers. I mention these particular ones because they seem to clean the best and the labels come off the easiest! I decided to share some of my favorite ways to reuse […]


Have you ever just looked around your house at all the “stuff” that you have?? It is amazing how much we all accumulate over time and then can’t even really remember why we even bought something in the first place! Several months ago I started a mission to simplify and reduce all the unnecessary items […]

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