Greener Living is A Good Habit

I think they say it takes 15 to 20 times to do something before it becomes a habit.  Like my husband’s drawers on his dresser never being completely closed.  Yeah, he has that bad habit perfected quite well!  Or that funny swallowing thing he does with his throat that drives me insane.  Another one of hubby’s habits […]

Staying Green While on the Run!

Yesterday I got up in the morning and I had a plan.  I had some household cleaning to do, work on my blog to complete, and some work for a client that needed my attention.  Oh, I also planned to walk down to the health food store to pick up some ingredients for a yummy cinco de […]

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Friday

So, what are you doing tonight?  Watching television?  Watching a movie?  Going out to dinner perhaps?  No matter what your plans are, you should make it a priority to set your DVR for 9 p.m. EST to record Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. If you aren’t familiar with what this is exactly, I wrote a post about […]

Autism Awareness Begins with the Letter "A"

Are you already trying to think of how many times you can utter the words “April Fool’s” today? It’s April 1st and although I LOVE a good joke and pulling one over on others, especially my husband, today is also the start of Autism Awareness Month. I have written very little about my family and how we […]

Wordless Wednesday – Today He Would Be 64 Years Old

I just couldn’t keep this “wordless.”  This picture is in memory of my Dad.  He would be 64 years old today.  This photo is of him holding my son, Nicholas, at 2 days old in 1998.  Happy Birthday Dad (Grampy).  We love and miss you and later we will bake and eat a cake in honor […]

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution – For America’s Children

Have you ever seen something that just got you so fired up that you wanted to do something, act on it, or just plain yell at the top or your lungs?  At the same time, you feel so passionate that you can’t put how you feel into words?  That is how I felt when I […]

It’s Our Anniversary!

My husband and I have an anniversary coming up and depending on who you ask we have been married for 18 years or about five years.  Those who consider themselves funny say five because we got married on a leap year, February 29, 1992, to be exact.  At the time, it seemed like a good idea because […]

Perfect Example of Why Our Child has a Cell Phone

It’s school vacation week here and since my husband has had to work for most of it, the boys and I have been home and haven’t been able to get out too much. Last night when a friend called and invited Nick(our eleven year old) to go for a swim at the YMCA and then […]

It’s a Challenge! I Am Up For It, Are You?

Okay, the other day that genius Amy over at Resourceful Mommy invited everyone to join her for a 30 Day Challenge. It’s called the 30 Days of Change Parenting Challenge-Go Out On A Limb With Me. I have really come to like Amy(and not only because she hosts rockin’ Twitter parties), but because she engages […]

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