A Few Reasons Why the Month of June is Going to Rock

Monsters University Review

Monsters University Topiary at EPCOT

I don’t know about you, but this year seems to be going by really quickly. I can’t believe we are already in June. The month of June is is exciting for so many reasons, but the biggest is probably that it begins the countdown to the last of day school. This is not only something Cody and Nick look forward to from the time they begin the school year in September, but it is also something I eagerly look forward to because it means I don’t have to set my alarm clock. This is a luxury that ranks right up there with taking a long, quiet bath and going to the grocery store all by myself. This particular June is a little more special because we are not only attending a live WWE event, but Paul and Nick will also be heading to Boston for Nick’s first-ever Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Don’t worry, I get to go later in the summer, so there’s no need to feel bad that I’m missing out this time around. But did I mention that it will also by my first time ever going to a Boston Red Sox game? Yeah, this summer is going to be totally awesome.

A few other reasons the month of June is going to rock:

Father’s Day – Well, it will rock for Paul since he gets to decide exactly where we go and what we do for the entire day. Fingers crossed it will involve eating out so I don’t have to cook.

The first *official* day of summer!

Monsters University finally hits theaters and I promise you do not want to miss this movie!

Did I already mention the last day of school is in June? Did I mention the even better part is that the last day of school is also a half-day?

Let the countdown begin!


  1. First time at a Sox game??!! So exciting. There’s nothing like watching them play at Fenway. It is going to be a rockin’ awesome summer!
    Lori Popkewitz Alper recently posted..Healthy Popsicle RecipeMy Profile

    • Yes! It hardly feels real, but I’m so thrilled we will not only have some awesome times this summer, but also some really incredible “firsts”, too! I hope YOUR summer totally rocks, Lori!


  1. […] how just a few days ago I listed a few reasons the month of June is going to rock? Well one of the reasons was because we would be attending a live WWE event, which we did this past […]

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