Crossing A Finish Line is the Best Feeling in the Whole Wide World

Crossing the Finish Line

Crossing a finish line feels amazing. It’s something I can’t put into words, but it’s also something I could describe in depth. It’s often a combination of physical and mental toughness, especially in a race where there’s running involved. Mostly, though, it’s determination because once I’ve set my mind to accomplish something I figure out a way to get through it. While most of the finish lines I’ve crossed in my life have been running related, the one I’m so happy to be crossing tonight is the one for completing National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo). I was concerned when I first decided to participate because I had hardly written once a week on my blog this year, let alone every single day for a month. Ultimately, I figured it could be a good kick in the pants and the perfect opportunity to focus on my writing, but I also knew it was going to require discipline on my part.

Some days the words came easily and others I simply came up with a title and description for a Wordless Wednesday post. A blog entry is a blog entry, right? That’s what I’m telling myself anyway. I mean, I made up for it on other days when the words flowed freely and I had several paragraphs by the time I was finished. Overall I’m really pleased with this accomplishment and I plan to use it as motivation to keep going. I don’t necessarily plan to blog every single day because going forward I want to post regularly while focusing on quality over quantity, but I’m kind of looking forward to giving my blog the love it deserves heading into 2018. I plan to start by heading to one of my favorite places, New York City, for a conference in January. It seems like forever since I attended a conference and I have to say I always come away feeling inspired and motivated, but it’s also really nice to spend time with friends and fellow bloggers. Connecting with people is something that truly fills my soul and I really need right now.

How many days is it until January 30th?


  1. Have fun at the conference, and come back and publish any pertinent info for the rest of us! (Just kidding; I know you have to pay for conferences and it wouldn’t be right to benefit having not attended)

    I am glad to have crossed this finish line as well. I loved it, but like you said – kick in the pants! I just wish they’d move this to April or May. Posting every day on top of an increased outside-the-home workload and holiday/family obligations is hard.
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..Welp. We did it, y’all!My Profile


  1. […] I wrote more in the month of November than I’ve written the rest of 2016 combined, so when I crossed that finish line my fingers and brain needed a little rest. I loved the challenge, as well as reading and getting to […]