Thanksgiving Stress, I Have Some

Thanksgiving Stress

Can we talk about the cornucopia of stress in the room right now? Well, maybe you’re not feeling the stress, but I sure am. Before I whine about that I have a question for you. Do you travel for Thanksgiving, do you stay home for Thanksgiving, or do you host people at your house for Thanksgiving? We’ve traveled most years and stayed home for a few. Those few we stayed home were the best ones because there was no driving involved and no schedule to worry about, but the best part was that I prepared the exact meal I wanted and we all enjoyed every last bite. Of course it can’t compare to spending Thanksgiving at Walt Disney World and eating a traditional feast at the Tusker House Restaurant in the Animal Kingdom with nothing to worry about after eating other than which attraction to visit first. Yeah, I wish I could spend every Thanksgiving there now that I think about it. If only money, lots of money, didn’t get in the way.

So back to my whining. I mean, I don’t really want to complain because we’ve decided to stay home this year, but we’ve also decided to invite a few guests to join us. It’s not that I don’t like the people we’ve invited, but it’s more work for me and, oh yeah, Thanksgiving Day is also my birthday this year so I really don’t want to do any of the work. The problem, though, is that I’m really picky about Thanksgiving dinner because it’s literally my favorite meal of the entire year and since I only get to eat it that one day of the year I want it to be as close to perfect as possible. So I’m stressed. I’m stressed about the food, especially that frozen turkey that will hopefully, fingers crossed, be thawed by the exact moment it needs to be so I can put it in the oven on time. I’m stressed because we have a table that seats six, but there will be seven of us here. I’m stressed because it’s also Cody’s birthday and I want it to be a great day for him. I know as long as he gets the gift he’s hoping for and a cake with his name it he’ll be satisfied, but it’s just one more thing I’ve added to my list of worries.

Personally, I’d be happy to go to a nice restaurant where someone else cooks all my Thanksgiving favorites, serves it to me with a smile, and then does all the clean up afterward. Okay, I’ll be honest. The biggest thing I’m probably stressed about is the clean up after the feast. I hate that part. I mean, I hate cleaning up after a regular family meal, let alone after a big Thanksgiving feast for seven. I’m hoping that Paul and Nick will take on that task this one day of the year, so I can just guzzle sip my wine and relax. It’s the least they can do, right? OR I could just buy paper plates and plastic utensils to make all our lives a whole lot simpler on November 23. What? They make special Thanksgiving paper plates because I’ve totally seen that at the store, so you stop judging me right this very minute.



  1. *hugs* If I lived close by, I’d for sure come over and help you get set up! I am feeling all kinds of stress, but not Thanksgiving day stress, thankfully. I’ll be working a double the day before, 5pm to midnight Thanksgiving, and then my regular 9:30-3 shift the next day. There is no way we can do anything family-like other than brunch. But I’m okay with that. We aren’t hosting anyone, so there’s that!
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..Music Monday – Thankful EditionMy Profile

    • Awww, you’re so sweet! I definitely appreciate nobody in my family has to work ON Thanksgiving (well, accept my son for a few hours in the morning – animal shelter dogs/cats still need to be cared for and fed on a holiday), but hopefully the rest of the day will be nice. Enjoy your brunch!

  2. P.S. I signed up for Everywhere under you. I hope that was okay. I’m not sure I’ll be accepted, but still hope it was okay that I did that!
    Kim @ The ReInVintaged Life recently posted..Music Monday – Thankful EditionMy Profile

  3. This is exactly why we go out to dinner for Thanksgiving- there’s no way that I could handle the stress. Though the anxiety is totally there right now, I’m sure the big day will turn out just right. Bring on the paper plates!

    • You’re a bad influence, Lois! Because I’m *this close* to buying those darn paper plates. I think dinner OUT next year would be a wonderful idea for us.

  4. I totally understand your Thanksgiving stress. I have to travel with kids and that can be stressful. Enjoy the holiday
    Karla Campos recently posted..Orlando Expo Woman Mujer 2017 – Entrepreneur Moms ConferenceMy Profile

  5. My mom switched to paper plates a few years ago and has never looked back, she recommends the heavy duty ones that can stand up to an extra scoop of stuffing 😉 Happy Birthday! My oldest is a turkey baby, I ate turkey in a hospital bed the day after delivering her and every year I check to see if her birthday falls on Thanksgiving


    And I hope it all went wonderfully. <3 For you and Cody and your whole crew. xo
    Andrea Bates recently posted..To Be ThankfulMy Profile


  1. […] but weird in a good way. It was just Paul, Cody, Nick and me plus a few family guests and while I stressed a lot about making everything perfect it ended up being a pretty good, and interesting day. One thing I […]

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