Wordless Wednesday – Thirsty giraffe at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Drinking giraffe


  1. Those are some crazy legs!
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  2. Poor Cody! Glad to hear he’s doing better. We’ve been dealing with a sickly kitty & multiple vet appointments this week too, so I feel ya. There were tears in our house too.savannah cat for sale

  3. Thank goodness Cody is ok! I’ve spent $700 on my dog’s vet bills in the last 2 months (which is nowhere near $5K), and I didn’t think twice about it. Pets are our first babies! Tips and Tricks

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  11. The water bear is so cute! If it were bigger I would tickle its belly like the Pillsbury dough boy. I don’t like the teethy fish either, too close to home. Caleb reads your blog? Uhm, coolest son ever alert.Doggy Daycare

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  19. Dogs can get excited and jump up. Unfortunately, this is enough to knock toddlers off their feet. Some behaviourists suggest sending them for a time out on their doggy bed if they misbehave like that. Don’t let any of your pets climb into the baby’s crib. Pets need a bedtime routine as much as we do, so make sure they know where their own bed is.Paws Bistro

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