Do you ever feel like you have so much to say, but since you don’t know where to begin you say nothing? That’s pretty much how I’ve been feeling in recent months and it’s honestly a little frustrating. I mean, I have a great list of ideas for blog posts, but I haven’t been able to focus enough to get any of them out of my head an onto the screen. There are some legitimate reasons it’s been a bit challenging, but then there’s also the fact I just haven’t made it a priority and I totally own that and plan to make some positive changes because blogging feels good. Not as good as running, which I’ve definitely been making time for, but definitely good in a totally different way. As a matter of fact I’d really like to blog more about running, but I need to figure some things out and start taking this whole writing on a blog thing seriously if I ever expect anyone else to take me seriously.
I can’t think of a better way to dust off my computer keys than with one of my favorite topics to write about, which is gratitude. It there is one thing I’ve learned in life, especially during the most difficult of times, there is always something to be grateful for if you look hard enough. It might be something as simple as a blue sky and sunshine, but that’s perfectly okay as long as it helps you focus on something positive rather than all the challenging crap that life might be throwing at you, even if only for a brief amount of time. I actually like to keep a Gratitude Journal because it’s nice to end my day with positive thoughts before falling asleep at night, but I’ve been slacking with that a little bit so I’m thinking today is a good day to get back into the habit.
A Peek Inside My Gratitude Journal
- First and foremost I’m grateful for my body’s ability to run. Not only is it good for my physical fitness, but more importantly it’s good for my mental fitness. If I couldn’t run the tough times would be tougher and I’d feel guilty about eating ice cream. Okay, that’s probably not true. I don’t feel guilty when I eat ice cream, but I do like to feel like I earn it with a good workout that often includes my feet on the pavement.
- People who give a damn. This is something I’ve become more and more aware of and grateful for, especially when my family was going through one of the most difficult times of our lives earlier this year. I’m truly, deeply thankful for those people and I hope they know it.
- Listening to my kid talk excitedly about something that he loves. I mean, seriously. Is there really anything better as a parent? In the same way his pain is my pain, his joy brings me joy and I couldn’t be more grateful to see a smile on his face and hear happiness in his voice. Those are two things I’ll never take for granted.
- Summer! Yup, it’s no secret that I despise winters here in the Northeast, so I’m ridiculously grateful that summer has finally arrived and I plan to savor every blue sky and all the warm weather and sunshine gifted to us over the next few months.
- You. I’m grateful for you. If you’re here and you’re reading this I appreciate you and the fact you’ve taken time out of your day to visit my blog, read my words, and maybe even think of something you’re grateful for in your own life. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Okay, your turn! Tell me one thing you’re grateful for right this very moment? Something. Anything. I know you can come up with just one thing. Come on. Don’t leave me hanging. Let’s be grateful together!
I’m grateful for finding your blog today! I think a grateful journal is a fantastic way to start focusing on the positive…even if it’s the smallest of things! I’ve been doing that for the past couple years on my blog where I find 5 things to celebrate about the week. Keep it up! Can’t wait to hear what your grateful for next week!
Charisa recently posted..Friday 5: Best of the Week
Thank you so much for the sweet comment, Charisa. I love hearing that I’m not the only one who likes to document the good stuff.
Listening to my kids talk is one of my greatest joys in life. I love to see them light up when they tell me a story.
Oh I love this, Robin, and could not agree more. No matter how old they get I will always feel the same way.
What a great idea for a post. I am grateful for no schedules.
Ashley @irishred02 recently posted..100 Good Deeds Bracelet Giveaway
Oh that’s a good one, Ashley. Not having a reason to set an alarm clock and not having any particular place to be is wonderful.
I need to do this…I’m grateful for life!
You definitely should do it, Pamela. It’s a really great way to focus on the positives every single day.
Everyone has different things to be grateful for that is for sure. Good to keep in mind when you have those “nothing goes right days”.
Gloria @ Homemade & Yummy recently posted..Roasted Fiddlehead Ferns
Definitely agree, Gloria. As a matter of fact I think the not-so-great-days are the ones we probably need do this on the most.
It has been a long day with my kids. So today I am thankful for Grandma’s who give us breaks, and bedtimes for overtired kids. Mostly, I am grateful for my family though.
Laura Funk recently posted..Patriotic Mantle Makeover
Ahhh, bedtime. When my kids were younger I definitely looked forward to that, especially after a long, challenging day. And yay for wonderful Grandmothers.
I am grateful for every day that I wake up! Seriously. It’s another day I get to spend with those I love and another day to try and make a difference in this world.
I love your positive outlook, Kimberly!
I haven’t had a good year, at least not one where I’ve felt grateful for very much but sometimes, it’s best to really reflect. Right now, despite the surgical complications that have left me in severe pain and probably permanent damage, I’m grateful for health insurance and the option of having health care providers available when I need them most.
Cat Davis recently posted..First Line of Security with Ring Video Doorbell Pro
Oh Cat, I’m so sorry for your difficult year, but I completely agree that we almost need to force ourselves to find something good, even if it’s small. Health insurance is definitely a good thing to focus on.
Right now I’m grateful that my kids are sleeping in and Ican enjoy a few moments with my coffee and laptop alone! Later I’ll be enjoying their smiling faces!
Milena recently posted..Eddie The Eagle Movie Night Bingo #EddieInsiders #EddieBingo
This sounds pretty much perfect to me, Milena. I love my kids, too, but I also really love my coffee. And my laptop.
There really are some people who care. I am thankful for them too.
They are true gems, Rosey!
I could not agree more with your thankful list. Mine would be almost identical – except my children are already grown.
Alicia Taylor recently posted..Summer Skirt Must-haves
My children are *mostly* grown, but I think they’ll always be included in my gratitude list.
Oh! I didn’t mean to imply that they aren’t in my gratitude list. You had said you love listening to your “kid” talk excitedly. I love that, too – but my children aren’t “kids”. However, I do still love the light of their excitement.
Alicia Taylor recently posted..My Favorite Fitness Apps to Stay In Shape
Oh gosh, Alicia, I didn’t think you meant that at all.
What a great idea, to keep this journal. I need to do this because I find myself complaining way too much!
I think we all have our moments, but it really does feel good to focus on a few positive things, even if only for a couple minutes.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I am grateful for summer too. I may need to look at writing down what I’m thankful/grateful for… I hear people really find success in doing this!
I hope you do give it a try, Tatanisha. It’s a great way to spend a few minutes every day.
What an awesome post! I’m grateful for my family, they’ve been a true blessing in my life.
I am grateful for my daughter as she has been there for me a lot lately and only being 13, she is so smart and mature to know what I need.AND also that I booked a vacation for the two of us for next month that I am really looking forward to
laura londergan recently posted..ART PRINT :: Summer Summer SummerTime
Your daughter sounds pretty darn special, Laura, and I hope the two of you have a wonderful time on your trip!
Writing it down is such a great way to stay mindful of our blessings. I love this idea so much!
LIz Mays recently posted..The LEGEND OF TARZAN
You know, I’ve been working on mindfulness and affirmations, but I need to work on my gratitude! I am grateful for my husband who despite all we’ve been through, has stood by me and been my rock through some difficult times.
Rose Siders recently posted..2016 Mazda3 S Grand Touring
Oh what a sweet thing to say about your husband, Rose. He sounds like a pretty great guy.
Gratitude is such an important word. Being thankful for what you have and recognizing that is important to give. That is what the season is all about.
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