Why I’m Glad I Started a Gratitude Journal

I’m horrible at keeping a journal. I have one that was given to me as a gift, which is basically a fill-in-the-blank diary and I still struggle to stay consistent with writing in it. A few weeks ago I watched an interview with Elizabeth Smart and it truly changed me. If you know Elizabeth’s story, you know she lived through an ordeal that most of us can’t even imagine and the fact she managed to not only survive, but also find something to be grateful for every day of her 9-month captivity makes her quite a  remarkable young woman. She spoke at great length about the things she chose to be grateful and how she wants to send a message to others that no matter how tough things may seem in your life, there is always something to be grateful for if you look deep enough. Her message stuck with me and it prompted me to start  my own gratitude journal. I found a small notebook, wrote “Gratitude Journal” on the cover and placed it next to my bed with a pen so I would have no excuse not to write in it before going to sleep every night.

Here’s why I’m glad I did:

  • Having a gratitude journal forces me to look at every day a little differently.
  • Regardless of how stressful or challenging a day has been, I’ve always been able to come up with something to be grateful for.
  • I like taking a few moments to focus strictly on the positive parts of my day.
  • I think I sleep better at night since the last thing I think about right before going to sleep are the things I’m grateful for, rather than the negative stuff.

I’ve set a goal for myself to come up with 3 items every single night to be grateful for and I’m not saying it has always been easy to come up that many every evening, but it has pushed me think long and hard about the good stuff, which is something I think is so important for many of us regardless of what we are struggling through in our lives. The best part? There have actually been a few nights when I was easily able to write three, or even five, things that I was grateful for and I’m pretty sure I went to sleep with a smile on my face every time.

Know what makes me extremely grateful? Comments. Please leave one sharing something you are grateful for today. I promise it’s not as difficult as it might sound.



  1. This is such a great idea! I too have had trouble keeping a journal in the past. I also know I need help lately reprogramming my brain to be more positive so this will help. Thank you for the idea! I will start mine tonight.

  2. Thanks Cathy for sharing this post. I was thinking on starting one “gratitude journal” but didn’t find the way to start one.

    Thanks for the tips.

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  1. […] recently wrote about how glad I am that I started a Gratitude Journal and tonight will be one of those nights when the list comes easily as I sit down to write my […]

  2. […] of the best thing I ever did a few years ago was start a gratitude journal. I have tried to add an entry every day, especially on the most challenging days when it’s […]

  3. […] life might be throwing at you, even if only for a brief amount of time. I actually like to keep a Gratitude Journal because it’s nice to end my day with positive thoughts before falling asleep at night, but […]

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