Wordless Wednesday – Kids’ Artwork

2nd Grader’s Interpretation of Charlotte’s Web
5th Grader’s Interpretation of Charlotte’s Web



  1. Challon says
  2. Cathy Let's Be Green Together says

    Thanks!! 🙂

  3. Cool pictures! Looks like you have some budding artists! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Cathy Let's Be Green Together says

    Oh, thank you!! I do think they are both quite talented…..and they definitely don't get it from me! LOL

  5. Jennifer says

    I love these! Children's art inspired by a classic children's book…what could be better?

    Hope to see them posted on https://www.RefrigeratorArtist.com someday!

  6. Cathy Let's Be Green Together says

    Thanks Jennifer! I would definitely like to share some of their work on the Refrigerator Artist website! 🙂

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