What is it?! Wordless Wednesday!

Normally, I don’t put words for a “wordless Wednesday,”(obviously), but this time I am because I thought this would be a fun one!  What do you think this is? Maybe some of you know already, but for those who don’t I thought it would be fun to guess!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. hmmm, a vaporizer/steamer of some sort? Incense burner? Netti Pot??

  2. my guess is a neti pot as well.

  3. SuperAngel says

    it looks like some type of tea pot… whatever it is… its neat! 🙂

  4. RobynsOnlineWorld says

    Ok don't laugh – but I thought it was some sort of bong or something for smoking pot!

  5. Mariana @ Riding With No Hands says

    A neti pot is what came to mind for me as well!

    Or a teapot with no handle? But that would be hard to serve… ouch, hot!

  6. Julie Jordan Scott says

    i don't even know what a neti pot IS so I am going to say… maybe… a whistle?

    I know, perpetually unhip!

  7. I can't believe you put up a picture of THAT on your blog! oh wow, you are brave. 😀 (you know *I* know what it is lol)

  8. my guess is a neti pot as well.

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