5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving & Plantronics Bluetooth Headset

Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving

Did you know that April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month? I actually didn’t but it’s something I feel very strongly about and hope that you’ll agree there is nothing more important than keeping our families safe while driving on the road. Just last week, while driving with my family on a 70 mile-per-hour highway, we drove past a young lady who was holding her cell phone at the steering wheel and texting as she was moving along at a high rate of speed. It made me angry. It made me want to scream at her because how dare she put MY family at risk so she could basically play on her phone while behind the wheel of her car? I witnessed her doing it more than once without any regard for the other people on the road. On that same day I witnessed another driver, this time a guy, texting on his phone while driving on that very same road and also at a high rate of speed. This just isn’t acceptable to me. I can promise you that when I get in my car my Samsung Galaxy S6 is in my purse on the seat next to me or the seat behind me. I’m grateful to have Bluetooth capability in my vehicle, but regardless I’d never touch my phone while driving.

While I’d like to see other drivers, both young and old, strictly focused on their driving and avoiding all distractions when on the road, I also know that simply isn’t realistic. Sometimes it’s nice to be productive while on the road, which is why I’m glad there are ways to pair our smartphones with wireless devices and still make safety a priority when driving from one place to another. The problem is that distracted driving isn’t limited to using a mobile device, but also occurs when people eat, reach for a drink, use their commute for grooming, or talk to other people in the car when on the road. This is why it’s so important the seriousness of distracted driving and make it a priority to educate others on ways to keep themselves, and everyone around them, safe when driving. 

National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Here are a few tips, including a hands-free accessory, to help prevent distracted driving among smartphone users:

  1. Remove distractions. If you’re easily distracted in the car by loud phone notifications then consider muting your Samsung Galaxy S6 when you’re on the road. It will keep your focus on the road and I’m pretty sure your contacts will understand if you’re making safety a priority.
  2. Plan before getting behind the wheel: Enter a destination into the GPS on your smartphone before putting the car in drive and keep your cell phone in a safe spot where you can still clearly hear the directions.  
  3. Consider an accessory: The Plantronics Voyager Legend Bluetooth Headset is a handy device that allows you to have a conversation while driving without compromising anyone’s safety. If your vehicle doesn’t have an in-car Bluetooth system, like mine does, then this is definitely the next best thing! 
  4. Ask a passenger for help if something is important: It’s important to remember distracted driving not only has an impact on you, but also puts others’ safety at risk. A passenger can help if you need an urgent text message sent or an important phone call to be made, but if you’re driving by yourself try to park for a moment if you really need to use your smartphone.
  5. Make a family commitment: Have every driver in your family promise to never text and drive and then have each of them, including yourself, sign  U.S. Cellular’s Parent-Child agreementWhat I love about this cell phone contract is that it not only keeps everyone on the same page, but it can also be personalized based on your family’s personal preferences. It focuses on safety and smart behavior, especially when bringing driving with a mobile device. 

The bottom line is that we need to talk about the dangers of distracted driving and educate each other about ways to prevent it while on the road with our families. I promise that no text is more than important than keeping your loved ones, and those around you, safe while driving.

Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.



  1. I have this headset and it works incredibly well. I used to use it all the time to avoid handling my phone while driving. Too many avoidable vehicle collisions are caused by distracted driving so pay attention everyone to the tips in this post. My new car allows me to connect my phone through my dashboard for hands free calls so don’t need the headset anymore. If your car doesn’t have this option I would highly recommend the Plantronics bluetooth headseats.

    • I’m glad to hear you’re happy with the headset, Geek Daddy. One of my favorite things about my vehicle is the Bluetooth capability!

  2. I am so nervous about distracted drivers. I hope my kids will stay focused when their time comes to learn to drive.
    maria @ close to home recently posted..Mother’s Day Brunch Omelet BarMy Profile

    • It makes me really nervous, too, Maria. I hope the same for your kids, too, because the road is such a scary place these days.

  3. I find out of sight out of mind. The purse goes in the back seat of the van and the phone goes inside it.
    When I get to where I need to be I can check the phone but not before that.
    We can get so distracted by other drivers that we don’t need to do it on purpose.

    • Absolutely agree with you, Heather. Nothing is too important that it can’t wait and if it is then pulling over won’t be too much of an inconvenience.

  4. I preach this in my family. The consequences are just not worth it. My grandson is learning to drive and I enjoy letting him drive with me so I can talk to him about the dangers of distracted driving. We really have to watch out for ourselves on the road these days.
    Shirley Wood recently posted..Weekly Menu Plan 4 Cook Once Eat Twice MealsMy Profile

    • I’m glad you’re talking about this so much with your grandson, Shirley. It’s so important to not only drive safe, but to also be alert to those who aren’t. Putting our kids on the road is quite scary nowadays.

  5. I cannot believe the number of distracted drivers that are out there. It is a concern for the safety of everyone around them. You would think by now they would learn!!
    Gloria @ Homemade & Yummy recently posted..Friday Favorites – Week 317 – Time For A Coffee BreakMy Profile

    • It’s definitely really startling to see so many people driving irresponsibly on the road. We all have to be careful now more than ever before.

  6. I like the idea of the headset. Mostly I like the idea of the kids throwing their cell in their trunk while they drive, but it’s too impractical for them to stick by it, so alternatives like this one make me happy.

    • I agree, Rosey, but my biggest concern is with those who text while driving (not just young people) because unfortunately a headset won’t help put a stop to that.

  7. I don’t have this particular headset but I do have one and I absolutely love mine. I do not travel without it and I was also not aware of the Awareness for this . Thanks for sharing.
    Sissy(at)SouthernHoneysuckle(dot)com recently posted..The worse pair of work-shoesMy Profile

    • I’m so glad you drive with a headset, not only for yourself but for everyone around you. While this is something we definitely need to talk about all the time, I’m glad it’s getting more attention this month.

  8. Having a headset is a great way to stay connected to my phone without actually having to fumble around with it while driving. Typing in a destination before driving off is a great tip too.

    • Yes, Bri! Those headsets are such a great accessory. I’m so glad my husband and I both have Bluetooth in our vehicles, but if we didn’t I’d definitely want a headset.

  9. Having a headset doe sound a lot more convent then hand held cell. I still think driving and talking on phone is dangerous and forbid son to do it. But this is a safer option.
    Rebecca Bryant recently posted..5 Tips For Starting The Morning RightMy Profile

  10. This is such a problem on our roadways so to have something like this to help p[people still be able to communicate while driving and have 2 hands on the wheel is huge! Every time I see people on their cells or texting I lay on my horn because they are driving so obnoxious and I’m afraid they will cause an accident!

    • I agree, Amy. It’s a very scary problem and it’s puts the rest of us at serious risk. Like you, I can’t just stay quiet, either. I’ve been known to yell at people driving by when I’m walking and/or take pictures if I’m quick enough with my phone.

  11. I see people on their phones all the time and it drives me nuts (pun intended). Don’t understand why when there are so many inexpensive solutions like this!
    Scott recently posted..Details From The Set of The CatchMy Profile

    • I see it all the time, too, Scott and it makes me so angry. Even without Bluetooth or a headset there is usually nothing so important that it can’t wait. I just wish more people would realize this before they cause serious harm.

  12. It’s so dangerous that I can’t believe people still do it! That said, I find that good accessories make all the difference. Like hands-free GPS and headsets!
    Tamara recently posted..Bacon & Cheddar Wrapped Apple Slices.My Profile

    • I agree, Tamara! I wish more drivers were on the same page as we are because I hate that they are putting our families at risk on the road.

  13. Distracted driving is as bad as drunk driving. When one person puts others at risk it’s a bad scenario. Our parent survived without phones 24/7 a few minutes in the car without a phone isn’t the end of the world.
    Cristine recently posted..Ortho Animal B Gon Coupon Savings on Animal Repellent #OrthoProtects #CollectiveBiasMy Profile

    • I agree with your drunk driving comparison, Cristine. There’s simply no excuse for endangering others while on the road. I especially think it’s important to address this issue with young people because, yes, we all got by just fine without a phone in the car years ago.

  14. Do you know if this headset would work with a samsung phone?
    My hubby travels a lot and uses his phone quite a bit for business while he is on the road so this might be useful for him.
    Heather lawrence recently posted..Fresh-from-the- Freezer Blueberry Vanilla ice popsMy Profile

    • Yes, Heather! It’s definitely compatible with Samsung phones and if your husband travels and works on his phone a lot I bet he would probably love a headset, not only for safety but also for comfort and convenience.

  15. This is a great idea. The whole idea of distracted driving is terrifying.
    Lois Alter Mark recently posted..making an impact on a fathom cruiseMy Profile

  16. I know I am not 100% in control when I am distracted – and it’s scary! There have been times where I knew I shouldn’t have texted or played with my navigation system!

    • It’s truly eye-opening Karissa, especially when you think you’re doing something really simple. Pulling over only takes an extra minute and then you can drive to your destination with your focus on the road instead of your control panel.

  17. Excellent safety tips. Distracted driving can be deadly, and it makes me feel a little safer knowing that people are taking precautions when it comes to keeping their minds on the task at hand while driving!

    • I truly hope more people will start to realize how important it is to avoid driving distracted, Christina. Our families’ safety is depending on it.

  18. I’ve never tried a headset, but that would be a great solution. I’ll have to give it a go.
    Liz Mays recently posted..March & April FaverinosMy Profile

    • I haven’t tried one, either, Liz, but I’m also very grateful to have Bluetooth in my car so I don’t need one. It’s a great option for anyone who needs to make/take calls while driving.

  19. So many bad things happen when people text and drive. It’s becoming a regular thing now and I just don’t get it… put the phone away.

    • Yes, Rosey. That word “regular” or “normal” is what worries me the most. It’s just becoming so common to see people looking at their phones and texting when driving and it really needs to stop. I hope we can put an end to it before too many more people get hurt.

  20. Ashley Sparks Mullins says

    I’ve never had a headset, but I’m lucky that I have bluetooth in my car. So I don’t have to pick up my phone at all. I love it. Thanks for the tips!

  21. Thank you for these reminders! I use the bluetooth connection in my car, so I can remain hands-free. However, this is a great option if your car doesn’t have this capability. With so many accidents happening because of distractions, we need to do everything we can, including educating others about this important safety tip!
    Tatanisha Worthey recently posted..Why Anaheim Vacation House Rentals For Your California Vacations Is The Perfect PlaceMy Profile

  22. Colorado police departments are really starting to crack down on distracted driving. This would be a good thing to have. Great tips and reminders.
    Censie Sawyer recently posted..Mother’s Day Gift Ideas: JewelryMy Profile

    • I love hearing that law enforcement in Colorado is starting to address this issue. I wish they would focus on it more in our state because it’s seriously out of control.

  23. I am 100% a distracted driver. I need a bluetooth headset but for me it is more of catching up on social media and less phone convos with others

  24. Keep an eye on the skies, and if you can, plan a route around inclement weather. A minor detour could actually wind up saving you major time. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic accidents. Even just two seconds of distraction time doubles the chances of an accident. Use your cell phone when stopped and never text while driving. Thanks!