Thank you Womentorz

I knew for a long time that I wanted to attend a conference, actually that I wanted to attend several conferences.  I loved the idea of connecting with some of the amazing women, that I had built online relationships with, in person.  Giving someone a hug and chatting face-to-face brings things to a whole new level and you really can’t put a price on that part of the conference experience.  The learning is amazing, too! 
For me the expense of the conferences was the first thing I had to consider.  With a conference pass, airfare, hotel, and all the extras, the cost adds up quickly so finding ways to save is an absolute must for me, and I’m sure that’s the case for a lot of people!  The idea of working with brands for a full or partial sponsorship is one that works for many people and one that I was certainly interested in trying, especially with brands that I could easily promote without it feeling forced. 
Last month I attended the Type-A Mom Conference in Asheville, North Carolina and I had a wonderful time.  I mean, that doesn’t even do it justice. I had a phenomenal time – the connecting, the learning, the socializing – all priceless!  I owe a huge thank you to Womentorz for their partial support of my journey to Type-A MomWomentorz is a wonderful marketplace and online community with support for women inventors.  I am awed by all of the talented women throughout this community, especially since I wish I could have come up with many of their fabulous ideas!
Some of what Womentorz offers their members:

  • A personal storefront and promotional tools to promote their product
  • The ability to sell directly to consumers – leaving out the need for a “middle man”
  • A location to see what the public thinks of their product before investing a lot of money

Check out their about us page for more detailed information – there’s so much they offer!  Something I really love about Womentorz is that they also offer a place for women to connect with other women who have invented a product, or maybe hope to invent a product – because we all need to hang with others who have similar interests and can truly understand what we are going through.  They offer a great newsletter to keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings regarding their site and fabulous women inventors. They also want to connect with you and often engage in social media on their Facebook page or on Twitter.

So, do you have an idea rolling around in your head for an invention?  I know I certainly don’t, but if you do, or know someone who does, you should visit the Womentorz site and check out their wonderful marketplace and community!

Disclosure – Womentorz was a partial financial supporter of my Type-A Mom conference attendance. This post is written as part of that arrangement.

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