Fun with Mangos {Recipe included} – Let’s Mango!

When it comes to fruits and vegetables I can truly say that there aren’t really any that I would turn away. There might be some that I don’t eat or buy as often as others, but for the most part if it’s in the kitchen or refrigerator my family will gobble it up, as long […]

Our first CSA

So last year at about this time I got a recommendation from a friend for a local farm to contact because I expressed interest in trying a CSA. Now you’re either Googling CSA or you’ve made up something in your head as to what it stands for. Go ahead, have fun with that. OR maybe […]

Meatless Monday – Vegetable Stew

One of my very favorite meals when it starts to get chilly outside is stew.  Finding a recipe for vegetable stew that had a creamy base similar to those with meat in them was a big challenge, but a must for me. I decided to see what I could throw together on my own and […]

It’s Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, It’s also my Passion

My kids go back to school next week and you know what that means?  It means it’s back to me weaseling my way into visiting the cafeteria during my son’s lunch period. You know, to chat.  About things like math, science, oh, the science of some of the cafeteria food, that is.  I have discussed such […]

Meatless Monday – Five Favorites of my Meat Loving Husband

My husband loves meat.  It is what it is and that’s okay, but I am the shopper and don’t buy much meat at all, which means it’s pretty much Meatless Monday most days in our home. My younger son and I are vegetarians and my older son is mostly vegetarian, but my husband would still […]

Meatless Monday – Easy Pasta and Vegetable Salad

It feels like a while since I posted for Meatless Monday.  The main reason is because I don’t like to share a recipe without a picture.  When I look up recipes for myself, I like to see a picture, so I like to share one when I post a recipe. (I’m visual like that!)  This one […]

Eating What’s in Season for Optiumum Quality and Taste

Have you ever bought strawberries at the grocery store?  In December?  I am sure many of us have, but most likely they weren’t local, actually in my case and for many others, they definitely aren’t local in December.  They traveled thousands of miles, through many conditions, having been touched by several hands before making it to […]

Meatless Monday – Penne Pasta with Roasted Veggies and Field Roast Sausage

One of the hardest things to accomplish while being a vegetarian with my son (we do eat fish on occasion, so I guess technically we are pescetarian)  has been to prepare meals that will please my husband the carnivore.  On occasion I do buy him a local steak or ground beef, but for the most […]

Meatless Monday – Tacos with Refried Beans and Spanish Rice

I don’t know about you, but it feels like Monday comes so fast?!  That’s not even because I don’t like Mondays.  I like them, I am strange, I know.  They come fast because I think about this post and what recipe I want to share with you all for your own meatless meal.  Since we eat […]

Easy Vegetable Pot Pie Recipe for Meatless Monday

We have had some chilly, rainy days here over the last couple of weeks.  Oh, the joys of springtime.  Unfortunately, that kind of weather doesn’t make me want to fire up the grill or make a salad.  It makes me want comfort food.  You know what I mean, right?  The kind of food that warms your soul […]

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