My kids go back to school next week and you know what that means? It means it’s back to me weaseling my way into visiting the cafeteria during my son’s lunch period. You know, to chat. About things like math, science, oh, the science of some of the cafeteria food, that is. I have discussed such […]
Food Revolution Friday – Cafeteria Chat
I made, what has turned into, my weekly visit to my son’s cafeteria for a lunchtime visit several days ago. We call it bonding time, but it has turned into an opportunity for some great “tableside” chats about food and what kids in this age group think about food. By the way, my son loves […]
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Friday
Have you been watching Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution each week? He is on a mission to change the way children, and everyone else, eat in our country. A pretty tall order, but I think he is off to a good start. Since he can’t visit every city and every home, I thought I would share some of […]
I’m a Sell-Out and a Hypocrite
I am feeling a bit shaky as I write this post today. I don’t know why. I have a thick skin, I’m a tough cookie, after all I am a redhead. If you’ve been here before you know I promote a healthy, non-toxic lifestyle for my family and for everyone else. However, if you follow […]
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Friday
So, what are you doing tonight? Watching television? Watching a movie? Going out to dinner perhaps? No matter what your plans are, you should make it a priority to set your DVR for 9 p.m. EST to record Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. If you aren’t familiar with what this is exactly, I wrote a post about […]
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution – For America’s Children
Have you ever seen something that just got you so fired up that you wanted to do something, act on it, or just plain yell at the top or your lungs? At the same time, you feel so passionate that you can’t put how you feel into words? That is how I felt when I […]