Lunapanties – Review and Giveaway

I know you’ve probably all been waiting on the edge of your seats for me to write a green post.  I mean I couldn’t possibly just leave that behind completely, right?  Wait.  I bet you’ve actually been wondering when the heck I was going to write another green post about feminine products.  Well, unless you’re my […]

Diva Cup Product Review and Sweepstakes!

*Disclosure: This post is about periods. No, not the ones you learned about in English class. I didn’t even like English class.  The word vagina *may* be used. Also, the word flow will be used, as it pertains to blood.  Excited yet? Or squirming a little? Because I kind of enjoy seeing someone squirm. Still here?  Okay, […]

Lunapads Review and Giveaway!!!

Okay, I consider myself a green girl…..I have a cool reusable water bottle, I recycle, never buy paper towels or paper napkins, buy organic food, organic hair care products, make my own household cleaner, and only use soap nuts for my laundry! The one area I just hadn’t dove into yet was feminine hygiene products. […]

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