Stress and Back Pain-Free Dog Bathing with Waterless Pet Shampoo

Have you ever tried using dry shampoo on those days when you need to liven up your hair without spending the time to wash, dry and style it? I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical of the product at first, but it has come in handy for me, especially when Cody’s hair […]

Dog Years

I realize that I don’t really talk about my pets much online. We’ve had a few as a family, from cats to mice(ewww), to fish and dogs, but there’s one who’s been with us longer than any other and that’s our dog, Jenna. She’s been a part of our family since 1996, just before Cody’s […]

I Finally Like to Walk My Dog & Gentle Leader Review

Our dog Jenna is just about the most perfect dog any family could ask for. I’m not saying that because she’s a senior dog and I’m counting every day that she’s still with us a blessing at this point, I’m saying it because it’s the truth. She’s always been the most gentle, loving, and loyal […]

Wordless Wednesday – The most beautiful girl

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