A Back-to-School Contract & Apps for Outdoor Adventures

I don’t know how you feel about your smartphone, but I personally love mine and pretty much never leave home without mine. If I did I’d feel lost (sometimes literally) and would most likely go back home to get my Samsung Galaxy S6 because if I didn’t there would be a good chance I’d hyperventilate […]

Internet Safety Month & U.S. Cellular’s Family Protector App

Did you know that June is Internet Safety Month? I admit that I didn’t, but I think it’s a great reminder since I spend a great deal of my time online and more importantly my teenager spends a majority of his time on the worldwide web. Even though we’ve discussed the importance of our Parent […]

5 Must-Have Summer Apps + A Family Cell Phone Contract

I recently made the decision to upgrade Nick to a smartphone. He’ll tell you he’s the last teenager on the planet to finally carry a device that comes with a data plan and I’ll tell you how I was lucky to have a quarter for a pay phone when I was his age. The times […]

5 Things People Wonder About Wireless & Say Cheese Camera App

While I’m pretty pleased with my Samsung Galaxy S5 and all the wonderful ways it makes my life easier and more fun, I also love learning new little tips and tricks to make my smartphone a little bit smarter. I mean, we all basically know how to check the weather, send a tweet, or set […]

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