Oxfam America Charity Gifts – Be a Goat {Video}

Working together to end poverty and injustice.

Is there one person on your gift-giving list who you struggle with every single year? You know, that one person who has everything they could ever want and if they need something they just go out and by it? You would think they could leave a few things for when the holidays come around their loved ones need ideas for gifts to buy them, wouldn’t you? Some people are just so inconsiderate. Anyway. The folks at Oxfam America have a funny new video promoting Oxfam Unwrapped, starring Aziz Ansari from Parks and Rec. Seriously, it’s adorable and will make you smile and there’s a, umm, bearded goat in the video, so what’s not to love? Check it out:

Have you stopped laughing yet? Because while that silly video is a really fun way to get their message across, Oxfam USA hopes that you will consider one of their charitable gifts this year, like a goat, because:

A hardy goat is the gift of sustainability, which means fertilizer and food for families – especially those living in areas that cannot support less durable critters.

Now if that hard-to-buy-for person on your list is more partial to pigs or cows you can totally gift them one of those instead. I can’t, however, guarantee that either of them will have a beard, so you will be taking your chances if you go that route. Whatever you decide, someone you love is going to be so happy and I think it’s safe to say that nobody else will have gotten them a goat. Or a pig or a cow. Just head on over to the Oxfam America Unwrapped page to see all of the ways you can give and help those in need. Wait!! Not so fast. Before you leave click play on that video just one more time because let’s face it, a bearded goat makes you smile and when you smile you are more likely to buy a gift or give to charity. Okay, maybe I made that last part up. Maybe smiling won’t make you more likely to donate to charity, but it will definitely make you feel good. And everyone should feel good, gosh darn it!

Disclosure: This post is being written as part of my commitment as a member of the Global Team of 200, but it’s about charity and goats, so really I might have shared it with you anyway in my own words and with my own humor.

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