Outside my window

The forecast for today called for snow, what I thought was going to be a few inches of snow, but ended up being a whole lot more. People who live in Maine know to only half listen to the meteorologists because things can change minute by minute. It’s just how it goes. School was canceled for the kids and we all spent time doing what we all do best – watching television, playing video games, and cruising around the internet. We were all here together, which is what I like the most about a snowstorm. Actually, it’s the only thing I like about a snowstorm. Today though, something else pretty amazing happened. Out of the blue, Paul called me to the bedroom. It’s not what you’re thinking. He had something to show me. Again. Not what you’re thinking. There was a sight to behold outside of our window. We have this tree out there that has these little red berries on it. That’s about as specific as I can get because I’m pretty much not a nature person at all. I can tell you the difference between a pine tree and a palm tree and that I much prefer palm trees, but aside from that, I’m pretty clueless and I’m okay with that. What I do love though, and the reason that Paul so excitedly rushed me into the bedroom, is birds. I even have my very own little field guide that I love to pull out every now and then when I see a new bird and want to figure out what species it is. Yes, it’s true. I’m a bit of a bird nerd. Anyway, back to the bedroom, and the window and that tree. I never paid much attention to the tree or that is has these pretty little berries on it, but this morning there was a huge crowd of robins loving that tree. By crowd I mean at one point I counted ten perched and poking their beaks at the delicious berries while the snow fell on their little bodies. Apparently robins like to live in these parts this time of year. Someone should really tell them that they would be more comfortable a little more south or a lot more south. So like any crazy photographer bird lover I grabbed my camera and tried to snap some photos all while attempting to not freak out the birds causing them to fly away. It was truly a magical and peaceful sight to absorb while photographing them as they nourished their little bodies on this horribly cold and stormy day here in Maine. Here’s some of what I captured:













  1. Cathy! I’m a bird nerd, too! I love to just stand at our kitchen window and watch them all doing their bird things in the trees. We have an Eastern Screech Owl in one of the trees back there and I’m determined to find the (loud) little thing…
    Megan M. recently posted..It’s Pinewood Derby time!My Profile

    • Megan! We were obviously meant to be friends. I actually got a picture of an owl in broad daylight last year. It was amazing on such a dorky level!

  2. What a lovely sight, those birds is very adorable and even I love watching this kind in my window… 😉

  3. Birds are really adorable and beautiful in everyone eyes, looking at the window with this lovely birds is very interesting…

  4. what a great sight. I really love watching the birds on my window too..
    Cathy35 recently posted..Plenty of FishMy Profile

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