A New Year’s Resolution to Read 12 Books in 12 Months

I can’t believe we’re already half way through January, which is why I should probably start this post by saying Happy New Year! Getting back into the swing of our regular routine after a long 2-week school break proved to be a bit challenging for everyone. We all enjoyed sleeping in, eating breakfast at ten (noon if your name is Nick), and staying up late every night watching The Office on Netflix. While it was really nice, I have to admit that I also like having the structure that a school week requires and I’m mostly happy that things are somewhat back to normal. I miss my kids, though, because they’re both pretty fun to have around. Most of the time.

As I started to think about the new year I automatically began reflecting on the prior year and all that I had accomplished in 2014, both personally and with my family. It was really quite amazing and included my biggest personal achievement of completing my first half marathon and another really special first for my family when we visited Disneyland and attended the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration. The first half of the year was most definitely filled with new challenges, fun, and memories to last us all a lifetime. We also experienced a painful loss in 2014, though, when we had to say goodbye to our beloved dog Jenna. She was our family pet for 18 years and her gentle, tolerant, and loving presence will be forever missed.

As I look ahead to all the possibilities 2015 can bring, I’ve decided to set a few goals. I suppose goals are similar to resolutions, but I sort of like goals better because they come with a timeline, which helps to keep me focused and disciplined. I plan to continue with a fitness goal I set for myself last summer, which is to run a faster 5k and shed a few pounds in the process. My next goal is one that came to me at the end of 2014 when I received an email from GoodReads congratulating on my reading accomplishment for the year. To say I was embarrassed would be a gross understatement. According to the email I had read two whole books in 2014, which is basically what Stephen King accomplishes before lunch on any given day. In my defense, one of the books I read last year was Stephen King’s book, On Writing, which is about the craft of writing. It’s a wonderful combination of memoir, advice, and solid tools to help you become a better writer. The biggest piece of advice that stuck out for me was that he says there is no way around it, to become a better writer you have to read more. Period. So yeah, I plan to read a whole lot more this year and thanks to my husband’s generosity at Christmas I have a wonderful stack of books to get me started toward my modest goal of reading 12 books in 2015 and guess what? I’ve already completed my goal for January, devouring Everything Matters by Ron Currie, Jr. in less than a week (most of which I read in one afternoon).

Stack of Books photo IMG_20141225_121938_zps65dfa340.jpg

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution or set a goal for yourself? Have you read any of these books? Which one should I read next or is there a book I simply MUST add to my stack?? Help!!!


  1. that is one awesome goal. You can totally do that with no problems
    becca recently posted..Bellemain Stainless Steel Mesh Strainers #Review #strainer12My Profile

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    I don’t read, but my husband loves it. He has already finished 3 books this year.

  3. I love reading, but somehow life has gotten in the way of my reading lately. I’m recommitting now.

  4. Well I am on 1 1/2 books so far for 2015. I hope I can keep up the pace. LOL
    maria @ close to home recently posted..Chocolate Chip Banana Cake with Peanut Butter FrostingMy Profile

  5. I love reading and always complain I don’t have time. I need to do this myself!
    lisa recently posted..Quench Your Thirst With A Smoothie and Enjoy 100 Smoothie Recipes!My Profile

  6. You’ll finish this before you know it. I’m a bookworm and have blown through 3 books already this year. You’ll be surprised at how fast you’ll finish!
    Brittany recently posted..My Love For The Massive Beauty Aisle In PublixMy Profile

    • Wow, Brittany! I bow down to you and your reading speed. Thanks for the encouragement. P.S. I secretly hope to exceed my goal if I can find the “right” books to read.

  7. What a great goal! I feel like I never have time to read anymore. I definitely need to get back in the habit.

    • Yes, Pam, I think you hit this one right on the head. Making it a habit is probably what would make all the difference. I’m hoping it will for me, anyway.

  8. I admire your goal and would like to say I could do the same, but I won’t. I am so dang busy, I never have time for reading anymore. I should change that.
    Kelly Hutchinson recently posted..Four Things To Learn From Pets #StreamTeamMy Profile

  9. I need to have this be my goal! I’ve been reading the same book since July. Sad!
    Milena recently posted..The Best of Me on Blu-ray/DVD #BestOfMeInsiders #GiveawayMy Profile

    • Oh Milena, you sound like me last year. I think the “right” book makes all the difference. If it doesn’t pull me in almost immediately I often put it down and have a hard time returning. So far I’m happy….Everything Matters was excellent!

  10. What an awesome goal! You can do it! I love to read too. I set a goal to start drawing and painting again this year!
    Jennifer B recently posted..Direct Selling Has (Finally) Gone to the Dogs!My Profile

    • Thank you so much for the encouraging words, Jennifer. I’m not even remotely artistic so I admire your goal…..here’s to reading and creating beautiful things in 2015.

  11. I wish I could find time to read more!
    Heather recently posted..DIY Wood Conversation HeartsMy Profile

  12. Taking time for myself – aka reading – is definitely on my list. I spend way too many nights working.
    Maggie @ The Love Nerds recently posted..Hot Sausage Queso with Velveeta and RO*TELMy Profile

  13. I love to read. Good luck with your goal.
    Debbie Denny recently posted..‘NEIGHBORS,’ Just Released, Goes Swimmingly with Kids!My Profile

  14. Those are all great books! Where’d You Go Bernadette is one of my favorite books ever, and get out the tissues for Me Before You. Oh, and the book Wild is way better than the movie!

    • Oh my goodness, thank you so much for the insight Lois! So I definitely won’t plan to read Me Before You on my 6-hour flight next week. 😉

  15. I recommend Gone Girl (crazy, twisted, but could not put it down) for your next read!
    Jen recently posted..Secondary Infertility: One Mother’s Road to AcceptanceMy Profile

  16. Unfortunately I haven’t read any of those books. I’m going to do a similar goal though. Twelve books in a year is doable!

  17. Reading is such a pleasant pasttime. With free Kindle books, I really have no excuse… but I rarely make the time. It is nice when I do though. 🙂

  18. I won a copy of Wild ages ago but still haven’t found the time to sit down and read it. Sigh. I’d love to read a book a month!
    Rebekah recently posted..In The Kitchen With Nonna’s Kitchen: Goodbye Tuscany, Hello PiedmontMy Profile

  19. I always set goals for each year. My goals are things I want to accomplish in the year. I read a lot – this year I want to read at least one book a week – 52 books! I might not be able to get that done – but I am trying. Wild is on my list to read!
    Debbie L. recently posted..Barking Wednesday ~ Welcome DieselMy Profile

    • Wow. I’m impressed by your goal, Debbie! Maybe someday (or year) my goal will be to read a book a week…..if I can include a few Dr. Seuss options for easy success. 😉

  20. I think this is a great New Year’s resolution and one that I could definitely keep! I’ll have to keep an eye out for Stephen King’s On Writing too. I agree, the more you read, the better ready and writer you become!
    Jessica Beal Harlow recently posted..Enter to win a collapsible LED camping lantern from #EtekCity! #giveawayMy Profile

  21. I’m on GoodReads, but never find the time for books. I really would love to start reading more too. So many great ones out there that my friends are loving!

    • I’m definitely looking forward to making it more of a personal priority this year and the recommendations from friends are what I love the most!!

  22. This sounds like a wonderful resolution! Once all three children are in school, this would be possible for me … maybe 😉
    Danielle recently posted..Winter Hair Care Tips for Curly HairMy Profile

  23. Is it sad that I sign up for this many book reviews a month :/ LOL! You got this!
    Becca Wilson recently posted..Let Me Show You How I Love You Book Review #GiveawayMy Profile


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