Fun Apps for No Shave November & Men’s Health Movember

When I first met my husband, over 25 years ago, he had gray hairs that stood out on his head of mostly black locks. I think it bothered him a little since we were only 17 at the time, but there was something about it that I found handsome. Over the years the gray hairs overtook the black ones (probably due to being married to me) and his forehead gradually got bigger and bigger. Again, I should probably take credit for that. Finally, he just decided to take control and shave what little hair he had left and has basically been bald ever since. I don’t mind because how much hair he does or doesn’t have or the color of his hair is hardly what matters to me. It’s just hair after all. However, when it comes to facial hair things get a bit more tricky for me. While I’m not a fan of it generally speaking, I’m also not adamantly opposed to it as long as it’s well groomed. This time of year as it starts to get colder outside I’m especially okay with my husband growing a little bit of facial hair because let’s face it, the poor guy needs something to keep at least part of his head warm. Another noble reason for him to grow a beard and/or mustache is for No-Shave November, Movember if you will, to help raise money and awareness for prostate cancer and testicular cancer and men’s health in general.


My husband, like so many other men, isn’t the best at making his health a priority so I’m glad that he at least thinks about it a little bit in the month of November. What’s even better is that with Movember’s increased popularity, impressive technology, and super awesome smartphones like my Samsung Galaxy S6, it’s really easy to download apps for keeping track of cancer research donations, the progress of your hair growth, and even to see what a friend would like if they had facial hair.

Here are some great apps and games you can download and use to raise awareness during No-Shave November.

  1. The Movember app is a great way to have fun and do good no matter where you are on any given day! Not only can you use the app to gather donations for cancer research, but you can also use it learn and share important health tips during November and beyond. You can even have a little fun with the app and create a stop-motion video to show your growth progress with family and friends. How cool is that?!
  2. Because having fun with a “makeover” app shouldn’t just be for women, there’s Boothstache, which allows you to “try on” different mustaches if you get impatient while waiting for the hair on your face to grow. If you really want to have fun with this app you can also take photos of yourself (or even your pet) wearing various mustaches and save them to your mobile device for future sharing. What’s really cool is that with a simple shake of your device you can quickly see a before and after of how you look with and without facial hair. Clearly, there’s fun to be had with this app!
  3. If you’d like a reason to laugh during No-Shave November then you will definitely want to download the Shave Me! app, which is a fun combination of interactive games and the accuracy of what it really feels like to get a perfectly clean shave. It’s great for all ages and can be used to create a fresh look for yourself or a friend with over a thousand combinations of hair styles and colors available to try.
  4. The Crazy Shave app is a fun way to pretend your cell phone is a barber shop and start “dressing” clients with personalized beard designs that prepare them for everything from a pirate ship to a graveyard. Another fun aspect of this app is that grown-ups and children will love using it to trim, shave, and grow hair on various silly animated type characters.

Do you know a guy who grows out his facial hair for the month of November? Do you like it or are you hoping he’ll shave it off when December arrives?

Friendly reminder: Don’t forget to download and customize your very own Parent Child Cell Phone Agreement so everyone in your family is on the same page with rules and expectations.

Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade, but thoughts are always my own.


  1. This is too funny they have apps too! My hubs can’t grow his out due to work but I have a friend who is obsessed with seeing how long he cane make it grow!
    Ashley @irishred02 recently posted..Disney Infinity 3.0 Toy Box Takeover!My Profile

    • I know, Ashley! Some of those apps are really so funny, especially the one you use to put mustaches on your dog. Not that I’ve tried it yet or anything.

  2. My husband considers growing out for November but has not done it yet. Maybe next year?!

    • It’s definitely not for everyone, but maybe he should give the app a try to see how he might look with facial hair. Might help him decide. 🙂

  3. My husband only grows out his facial hair when he has a long summer vacation.. Cant for business reasons.
    maria @ close to home recently posted..How to Decorate a Woodland Inspired Dining RoomMy Profile

    • Some companies are so picky, aren’t they? This is the “off” season for my husband, but he manages two campgrounds so luckily there aren’t restrictions where facial hair is concerned. He does tend to prefer a clean shave for the most part, though.

  4. My husband can’t grow a beard at all – lol. It ends up being like 5 hairs. Your husband looks great!
    Joanne recently posted..Promo Codes For Shutterfly And TinyPrintsMy Profile

    • That sounds like the problem my husband has when he tries to grow hair on his head, Joanne. 😉 Poor guys. They can’t win.

  5. My husband does this because he hates shaving. I don’t mind the first couple of weeks, but I am now ready for December and for him to get rid of the scratchy facial hair.
    chastity recently posted..Drawing Your EmotionsMy Profile

    • I hear you on the scratchy feeling. That part does bug me, too, but luckily it’s only temporary! But let’s not rush into December too quickly, okay? 😉

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  12. I considered growing mustache and tried Boothstache and took photos of yourself wearing various mustaches ….Well …I look my best when shaved… hahah. Thanks for the app.

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