Wordless Wednesday – Jaws 40th Anniversary

Jaws 40th Anniversary

 Jaws 40th Anniversary

Jaws 40th Anniversary

Watching Jaws on the Big Screen

Shark Attack

Jaws 1975


  1. Oh wow, Jaws brings back so many memories. It was the movie to see during my childhood. We spent a lot of time on Daytona Beach in the summers and I remember being afraid of going in deep water after seeing the Jaws movies, lol.

    • Yeah, I imagine a lot of people stayed away from the water when Jaws first came out…especially up here in Maine!

  2. I was just a kid when I saw this movie on VHS and it scared the crap out of me.
    I haven’t seen it since! lol!
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  3. Ethan Hills says

    Loved it. Some really good points in there. Thanks for sharing your thoughts