How to Make Perfect Iced Coffee at Home

Homemade Iced Coffee

It’s no secret that I love coffee. Aside from water it’s my favorite beverage, which is why I even took the time to write about my favorite coffee maker for all my fellow coffee lovers. I love coffee in the morning. I love it in the afternoon. I love coffee on a Tuesday. I love it on a cold winter’s day and I love it when it’s super hot outside. While coffee is definitely at the top of my list of favorite things to drink, no matter where I am or what time of day it is, I do try to stop sipping the java at least seven hours before bedtime or I end up having trouble falling asleep. And I like my sleep, so this is a rule I usually stick to pretty religiously even though I’m not religious. Except when it comes to my coffee. Anyway.

Funny Coffee Mug

Since my love for coffee runs pretty deep you can probably already guess that I’m a little picky about what I drink. As a matter of fact, in most cases I prefer to drink my coffee at home because I brew my favorite brand in my favorite brewer and pour it into one of my favorite mugs and it tastes way better than anything I can purchase at a drive-thru window. It’s much cheaper, too, so there’s also that. The one thing I’ve done more this summer than in years past is drink more iced coffee. I’ve never been a huge fan of cold coffee, so I’ve usually just sweated my way through a hot cup of coffee even when the temperature outside is 80 degrees, but this summer has been different. Nick likes iced coffee so I decided to figure out how to make it at home, almost as perfectly as I make the hot version.

Let’s face it, when you order an iced beverage at your favorite coffee shop they often just fill the cup with ice cubes and pour in some hot brewed coffee, hand you the cup and a straw, and hope you won’t notice how warm your iced coffee is and how watered down it ends up tasting. Well I’ve noticed and it bugs me, so I came up with a way to make refreshing iced coffee at home that Nick loves and I’ve even been known to enjoy from time to time.

  1. Brew a fresh pot of coffee, follow step #2, then pour the rest into a container with a lid and store it in the fridge. But wait, there’s an important step BEFORE you put the hot coffee into the fridge. If you’re the type to add sugar to your iced coffee then you probably already know that sugar doesn’t dissolve all that well in a cold drink, so I actually add some sugar to the hot coffee and stir until it’s dissolved and then put it in the fridge. You end up with pre-sweetened iced coffee and no need to add anymore sugar (unless you have a sweet tooth, which I’m not judging) when you’re ready to pour a glass.
  2. This step is the one I like to pat myself on the back for the most because, well, it’s really pretty genius. Remember how I mentioned that ice cubes always seem to water down a perfectly good iced coffee? Well, that won’t happen if you make COFFEE ICE CUBES. I mean, really, this just makes perfect sense, am I right? Go ahead and let that sink in for a minute. Coffee ice cubes. Can’t you just imagine the extra caffeine goodness as it slowly melts in your glass? I know, I know. You’re welcome.

I can only hope that my little tips will help you enjoy some delicious iced coffee at home this summer because we coffee lovers are all in this together and because friends don’t let friends drink warm, watered down iced coffee.

Iced Coffee at Home




  1. Look so delicious. It is a cool 91 today, I think this is the perfect time for an iced coffee!

  2. Love a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning.
    But I have never tried an iced coffee. Can’t wait to brew a pot and finally try it for myself.

    • I definitely still prefer hot coffee, but there really is nothing like a nice tall glass of iced coffee when the weather is hot. Enjoy!

  3. There is nothing like a watered down coffee beverage to ruin your morning. Your coffee ice cube idea is pure genius!

  4. I will have to share with my husband. He LOVES his iced coffees. So this would be perfect for him!

  5. I really enjoy drinking iced coffee. I will have to try your tip for the ice cubes (I do not like water down drinks).

  6. I SO need this shirt! Iced coffee is my weakness, I try not to drink it daily but it addicting!
    Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted..My Summer Hair Care Routine With Alberto V05 / GiveawayMy Profile

  7. oh yes we need to make some of this our teens love iced coffee
    stopping by from our blog annies home ( )
    angie recently posted..Giveaways Entered on 7/29My Profile

  8. There are several members of my family who LOVE iced coffee! I prefer hot coffee…even when it’s 90 degrees out, go figure. But, I’ve got extra ice cube trays and will definitely be freezing some coffee cubes for visits from family!
    Jessica Harlow recently posted..Laundry lesson: How to beat the sock thief! #LaundryBagsMy Profile

  9. Catherine S says

    This is such a great idea. I can’t wait to try this I love to make iced coffee.

  10. Genius. I love this idea of coffee ice cubes. Off to make come
    Rebecca Bryant recently posted..Wordless Wednesday #TravelBlogger #LivingInTheMomentMy Profile

  11. This is the only way. I wish I could just make a decent cup of iced coffee instantly but prep work is required.

  12. Coffee ice cubes! that’s a really good idea. I’ll have to try this.

  13. We do this in our family! So tasty and refreshing on a hot day!

  14. We are an iced tea family but I know there are millions of iced coffee devotees out there. Great post for them.
    Carol Bryant recently posted..Why Your Dog May Not Need Yearly VaccinesMy Profile

  15. Doing this for sure. i love iced coffee in the morning and need to make it quick on work mornings.
    Laura funk recently posted..Potty Training & 10 Potty Prize IdeasMy Profile

    • You must try it, Laura. As long as you spend a few minutes doing the work ahead of time, you’ll have it ready to go in the fridge for a few days (depending how much you drink, of course.)

  16. I’ve just become acquainted with iced coffee this summer. And yeah…it’s pretty darn tasty, I’ll give you that…and the ice cubes? Great idea!

  17. I don’t usually drink it iced. This is a good idea and may need to try it.
    Debbie Denny recently posted..Great Scott! October 21, 2015! Back To The Future – 30th Anniversary! #BTTF2015My Profile

  18. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    We love coffee in my house! Coffee ice cubes sound like a neat thing to try out! I will most certainly try this.
    Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted..4 Shut Eye Strategies To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep #IC #adMy Profile

  19. Love the ice cubes and also I almost totally purchased that same shirt the other day!
    Laura funk recently posted..Water World: A Perfect End to Our Summer #WWFindYourSummerMy Profile

  20. Looks delicious, i am doing this, it is perfect drink during night time and you need to do more works. it gives you a relaxing treat

  21. The coffee ice cubes are the key! Just pinned this 🙂

  22. I got what you mean , regards for posting .Woh I am pleased to find this website through google. “The test and use of a man’s education is that he finds pleasure in the exercise of his mind.” by Carl Barzun.

  23. very nice article, makes it simpler and easier.. gonna do it this way from now on whenever im gonna wanna have iced coffee

  24. Nice! I take about 30 mins out of my day everyday to find new blogs ect. I am a Presto Coffee Drinker and I’m absolutely loving lover

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  26. Nothing beats the heat better than a homemade milkshake!! We just got a new blender yesterday…..I know what I’ll be making first!coffee

  27. And thank you for sliding The War on Drugs in there to! PS I’m still claiming POINT BREAK as the ultimate Swayze movie! You can have your Johnny… Gimme Bohdi all day! hehe.Coffee

  28. Let me offer just one quick word of advice, from someone who successfully navigated high school without too many scars and is now attending college: Don’t let dating become a priority. Sophomore year can be so much fun. Don’t add drama where it’s not necessary.