

Even though it’s already February 1st, I should start off by saying Happy New Year since this is my first personal post in 2016. I’m feeling a bit out of sorts because the new year is off to a bit of a rough start, but the good thing about that is there’s a great deal of hope that things will improve. The winter season is always a bit challenging for me, but this one has been especially tough since I haven’t been able to run for several months due to an injury and that has not only taken a toll on me physically, but also mentally. Running is my thing. It’s the thing I do that’s just for me. Not only does it keep me feeling fit and strong, but it’s also very therapeutic and that’s the part I’m missing the most. We have been dealing with some difficult times as a family and while they are things I need and want to write about, they are a bit too personal for me to share right now. Even though I’m not able to talk specifically about what we’re going through, I can tell you that I am most definitely filled with a great deal of hope that things will improve. There is simply no other choice as far as I’m concerned, so much so, that I might even make hope one of my official words for 2016. I’m not really into that kind of thing, but this year I might just need something to help keep me focused on what matters most to me and that is a family that is as healthy, happy, and as strong as we possibly can be. I believe it’s doable, but I’m also certain it will take a lot of hard work and might even include a few tears and I’m okay with that as long we come through this tough time together.

Send us some good thoughts, would you please?


  1. […] our country right now and I’m tired, but I’m also hopeful. I’ve clung tightly to hope in the past and things turned around back then, but I believe it’s going to take a while and […]