Health plans with added benefits

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a conversation regarding health benefits. It’s been a really long time since I’ve personally had a decent health care plan, so I was definitely curious and interested as to the types of benefits being offered to families. WellPoint is one of the largest health benefits companies in the nation with affiliated plans in 14 states that fall under the names Anthem BlueCross in California, Empire BlueCross BlueShield in New York and BlueCross BlueShield in Georgia.

Their mission? Improve the lives of the people we serve and the health of our communities.

I think many of us consider the sole purpose of an insurance plan is to pay our medical bills, but during this conversation I learned that WellPoint offers several benefits that can be personalized to fit the unique needs of our families. One such benefit is their 24/7 NurseLine. Let’s face it, we always seem to have the most important needs or questions to ask after the doctor’s office has closed. Some might be due to minor symptoms in one of our children, but it could also be for something potentially more serious, but we don’t always want to rush to a hospital or clinic unnecessarily. With this benefit you can call any time of the day or night and speak directly with a registered nurse. Whether your child got a splinter and you’re not sure of the best way to remove it or if they’ve suddenly got what looks like poison ivy and you’d like to know the best way to treat it, the nurses are there to answer all of your questions or to simply put your mind at ease. Through their FutureMoms program they offer support to expectant Moms throughout their pregnancy as well as post-delivery with a follow-up that includes a screening for postpartum depression.

One of the features I found most interesting and potentially very beneficial was the ability to personalize your health plan through a family portal dedicated to the needs of your family. You can customize it and set reminder emails for things like upcoming appointments to working out. Something like a simple daily nudge via email could make all the difference when someone is trying to get into a fitness routine, especially in the beginning. I absolutely love that there’s a live chat feature that can connect you with a health coach or get ideas for a quick and healthy dinner. Sometimes I simply have no idea what to make for dinner and having someone ask what I have in my pantry then give me ideas of what to prepare would be incredibly helpful.

WellPoint and its affiliated health plans have also partnered with FitOrbit to offer convenient and affordable ways for you to reach your fitness goals. FitOrbit is actually available to anyone who would like to take advantage of their valuable service, giving members direct access to personal trainers who will personalize a plan specifically based on your unique goals and needs. The service can also provide a family friendly meal plan that includes a shopping list. Regardless of your situation they will develop a plan that fits into your busy schedule. I know when my boys were little I probably got most of my exercise chasing them around throughout the day. I wouldn’t have thought to stop and do squats or lunges while watching them swing or slide at the playground. I love that FitOrbit could offer more creative ways for busy parents to work fitness into their daily routine. FitOrbit is offering my readers a special discount to give their service a try and since they offer a 30 day risk-free trial, there’s really nothing to lose and possibly a whole new healthy lifestyle to gain.

Ultimately, I like the direction that WellPoint and their affiliates are headed with their plans that consider far more than just paying the medical bills of their members. They truly do care about supporting families and guiding them in their achieving healthier lifestyles.

Disclosure: I am being compensated for my time to participate in this conversation with WellPoint and The Motherhood, but my opinions are always my own.


  1. Explore health plans with added benefits for comprehensive coverage and enhanced well-being. These plans often include perks like gym memberships, wellness assisted living facilities near me Long Beach programs, telehealth services, and preventive care options. By choosing a plan with these added benefits, you can access valuable resources that promote a healthier lifestyle and better overall health management.

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