Green Jealousy is an Ugly Thing

Ever get some pretty exciting news and couldn’t wait to share it with that one person who you just knew would be happy for you only to have them totally crap on your cupcake?  Or drop a dead bird at your feet?  Well, it happened to me this morning and it all went down through direct messages on Twitter (so, yes, there is a record of it) and I told my *friend* I was totally going to blog about it and she was all go ahead.  She asked for it!  So, I was pretty happy when I received an email yesterday from Elliott over at Microsoft Hohm telling me I made their list of top green female bloggers.  I thought this was pretty cool since I had met them at  the BlogHer conference back in August and I was really interested in the Blue Line PowerCost Monitor and how it might save us some money and be able to monitor our energy use.   Of course I couldn’t wait to share the news with one of my online friends.  So, I sent her a direct message on Twitter……

Me:  On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you say this ranks? And I included a link to page I shared above.
(First of all, she isn’t really all that great of a friend because it took her more than 12 hours to respond and when she did, it went down like this):

Her:  What the heck is this? Who set it up?  What does it mean?

Me:  Okay, you were supposed to see Microsoft and just think it was awesome and do cartwheels (like I know you can) in celebration. Not ask 20 ??s

Her:  Can’t do cartwheel right now….eating left over pizza.  (can you feel the lack of love?)

Me:  And what kind of friend can’t be bothered to put down her pizza and show some cartwheel love? Geesh!

Her:  LOL! Okay putting it down – cartwheel…vomit….Cathy comes over to clean it all up and make me feel better! BLAH!!!
(then she made some comment about how it wasn’t Apple, but Microsoft will do.) Ask her when the last time was that she heard from Apple or Microsoft for that matter! Yeah, she has no room to mock anyone.

Me:   I don’t do vomit clean-up. I will, however, hold your hair back for you and dry heave in support.

Then she said something about how funny I was and that I should be a stand-up comedian. (at least that’s how I remember what she said) 

Me:   Well, I have to go focus on a post….about my Microsoft Hohm stardom….so there! (also known as the post where I call her out for her bad friendship skills.)

I’ve decided she’s just jealous and probably really bad at cartwheels, which is a really bad combination if you think about it.  Imagine attempting to do a cartwheel with a jealous slice of pizza in your hand.  That just would not end well.  For anyone.  Especially the pizza.

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