Ford’s Drive One 4 Ur School Fundraising Event

If there’s one thing that drives me crazy, it’s the school fundraiser information that comes home from school every year. The kids both have different packets of stuff to buy and they get a percentage of the sales, not a huge percentage in most cases. The big problem with that for me is that there’s usually not anything that interests me in the various catalogs, so I buy something I don’t want in order to support the school or I just don’t spend any money at all and walk away feeling like a bad Mom for not ordering a candle or tulip bulbs. When I recently heard of the Ford Drive One 4 Ur School Fundraising Event to raise money for Nick’s freshmen class I was thrilled. Ford is already a company that I love and with this program I don’t have to flip through a catalog or purchase anything to make a donation to the kids. I simply need to take a test drive in a beautiful Ford vehicle (I’ve already done this a few times and I can tell you they truly are beautiful) and fill out a short survey and Ford will donate $20 to my son’s class. They will actually donate up to $6000, which means we need 300 awesome community members to come to Belfast and take a test drive on October 13 at Quirk Ford. With so many school districts in need of funding for the most basic of educational needs, this fundraiser is an amazing way to bring the community together to support the students and raise money for them while checking out Ford vehicles. If you live in my community or close to my community, I hope you’ll come out and support Nick and his classmates at this fundraising event. Here’s a video with all the specifics about the program in case you’d like to host one in your own community:

Video and image courtesy of Ford Motor Company



  1. Wish I was closer so I could participate in this for you guys! Sounds like a fun promotion.


  1. High School Open House | Cathy Herard - A Mom Blogger in Maine says:

    […] both have a great deal of energy and seem eager to spend the next four years helping the students raise money and participate in some fun events. I can still remember my high school class advisers. They really […]

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