Follow Friday Feature

Okay, remember that idea I came up with to do a Feature Friay in place of the hashtag follow Friday on Twitter?  Well, I got a little behind with some slight chaos at home.  So, here we go again.  I am ready and I have a perfect choice.  This special pick is definitely one of my favorite eco-chicks:  Tara Burner.  She was quite possibly the first person to follow me on Twitter.  She was defintely the first to tweet me with a welcome to the Twitter world! 
I had met Tara on forums in other areas on the web and came to know a few things about her that make her someone quite worthy of your follow, too.  She is truly “green” to the core(as in green, in an eco-friendly kind of way).  She also offers possitive life quotes on practically a daily basis and is a hugely generous person.  As a successful business woman, she provides her customers with wonderful customer service and is quite interactive on Twitter.  Remember, that is what I(and many others) think Twitter is truly about, actaully engaging with others.  If she is there and you comment or ask a question about her tweet, she will reply.  She often responds to my tweets as well and truly takes an interest in people and often asks questions about their lives. 

If you are looking for someone who offers a positive attitude, wonderful inspiration and great interaction, then you should definitely follow Tara!  There are are thousands of others who, I’l bet, agree with me! 

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