February is Heart Health Month & Benefits of Telemedicine

Did you know that February is American Heart Health Month? Did you also know that heart disease is the number killer among women? I think a lot of people are shocked when they hear that because most of us associate heart disease with men, but women are at high risk and need to take care of themselves just as much as they take care of everyone else. I personally try to eat well most of the time, exercise most every day, and encourage the women in my life to do the same. We’re worth it ladies, so let’s start making ourselves a priority, okay?

Since turning 40 a few years ago I’ve started to pay closer attention to my health, but I think I’ll always have concerns about whether I’m doing enough to prevent and fight diseases. I love that there is so much help out there, including right on my Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used the S Health app to track my daily steps and to check my heart rate, both while at rest and during and after a workout. It even creates a log so I can keep track of any changes that might be cause for concern.

 S Health Heart Rate Log

Aside from using apps for general health and wellness, did you know your smartphone can be a vital tool in an emergency situation? It definitely gives me peace of mind to know my husband always carries his smartphone with him so he could get help if something scary happened with his health, like cardiac symptoms. He’s been exercising more and improving his diet, but I still worry about him and his health, especially when he isn’t at home. In the case of a cardiac event the Cleveland Clinic recommends getting medical attention within an hour of having symptoms, so carrying your smartphone and making sure it contains all your personal medical information could literally be the difference between life and death.

What is Telemedicine?

Have you ever heard of telemedicine? I hadn’t heard of it until recently, but I have to say it makes a lot of sense for so many reasons. Using a reliable 4G LTE wireless network like the one with U.S. Cellular, medical providers can remotely diagnose and treat patients who might not otherwise be able to visit a medical facility or doctor’s office. While telemedicine certainly isn’t meant to replace in-person visits with your doctor it is a definitely a convenient way to get the care you need for common ailments, like a cold, from your workplace or even the comfort of your own home. How’s that for enhancing your life thanks to mobile devices and a dependable internet connection?

If you’re like me and you’ve ever gone online to research your symptoms then you might find it quite convenient and beneficial to connect with a virtual MD who can not only evaluate and diagnose what’s wrong, but they can even prescribe medication and the best part is you don’t even need to step foot in a doctor’s office. To find out if telemedicine could work for you and your family, here a few tips to help you decide:

  • Talk to your primary care provider and see if they already have an established relationship with a telemedicine practitioner and could make a recommendation.
  • Contact your insurance company to see if they cover telemedicine and what kind of benefits might be included.
  • The most important thing you can do is research because the more information you have the more likely you’ll be able to make the best decision for you and your family. Websites like vitals.com and NCQA.org are helpful because they provide third-party medical ratings, making them great resources when trying to find a telemedicine provider.

How about you? What are you doing to protect your heart health? Have you ever tried connecting with a medical provider online? Would you consider it as an option for your family?

Disclosure: I’m a compensated member of the U.S. Cellular Blogger Brigade, but all thoughts and are my own. 


  1. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    I think that is a great option for people who can’t get out of the house. Great idea.

  2. We are able to email out doctor and/or nurse 24/7 it is an awesome way to stay connected.
    becca recently posted..Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort #Travel #ReviewMy Profile

  3. Our insurance recently started covering telemedicine. It’s really convenient, we have used the doctor hotline several times.

  4. This is the first I’ve heard of Telemedicine, but I know I’d love this digital access! Sometimes finding time for MOM to go to an appt is harder than you’d think! Having this resource would be a big help!
    Jessica Harlow recently posted..I’m a Free Range Chicken.My Profile

  5. Wow! Now people are being treated wirelessly? I love that we advance so much in technology, but eventually stuff like this will start to eliminate jobs! But that’s a whole different story. It does have it’s benefits, I guess.

  6. Technology is an amazing thing. Telemedicine is something incredible that I hope more people get to take advantage of.

  7. It is handy for those who can’t go outside. It is handy also during winter story nights. I would consider it
    Dogvills recently posted..Easy Easter Dog Treats Recipe for Fido’s BasketMy Profile

  8. I have an S5 Sport and really need to look into the health apps. They sound great. I hadn’t heard of Telemedicine before, but will have to check it out.

  9. I love this idea. For those who can’t get out to the doctor this is an awesome option.
    Melissa Vera recently posted..How to Make Infused Water With the Fab Fit Fun Water InfuserMy Profile

  10. This sounds like a great option for people who make make it in person. I don’t know if I would do this or not, but it’s nice to know it’s available!
    AJ @ NutriFitMama recently posted..Thinking Out Loud- How Kids Can Bring You Up & DownMy Profile

  11. I love that you can check your heart rate or steps at will. This is all kinds of convenient and cool!

  12. I never heard of telemedicine but think it’s a great idea and a perfect use of technology.

  13. Telemedicine is a neat idea for people who are homebound for whatever reason.
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  14. Debbie Denny says

    That is interesting. I have never heard of it.

  15. I love this idea! It is especially great for people who can’t easily leave home and make it to appointments.
    Tracie recently posted..How To Make Homeschool Work For Your FamilyMy Profile

  16. I’m already pretty active, but I’m trying to get even more steps in each day to help my heart!
    Kristin recently posted..Four Ways to Wear Red this SpringMy Profile

  17. Thanks for this introduction of this product. I hadn’t heard of it but will give it a try. Thanks

    • I think its a great idea. I also use a similar service I found at https://icalladoctor.net/ in which I just call a doctor and get diagnosed and get my proscription sent to my pharmacy. Very minimal membership cost. I have access to a doctor 24/7. With 4 kids its a great asset saving us money and time.

  18. I legit learned something new today! Wow telemedicine?? This is amazing and with the world of technology, phones I am happy the medical industry are tapping into that and making it easier for people to get healed with technological assistance.
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  19. Thanks for sharing this advice on keeping your heart healthy! It really is important to keep every part of your body healthy, especially the heart. That is the organ that keeps you alive, so if you don’t take care of it, it will literally kill you!

  20. Hi Cathy,

    Thanks for sharing your experience. With current advances in communication technology telemedicine is becoming a major factor in our healthcare system, especially if you live in rural area.

  21. I completely agree! Telemedicine offers a convenient alternative for busy professionals and those in remote areas. It’s fascinating how mobile technology continues to reshape the way we receive healthcare services!
    Cambiati recently posted..Give Yourself the Gift of Health with Cambiati WellnessMy Profile

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