My Family’s Favorite Walt Disney World Attractions – Park by Park

My Family’s Favorite Walt Disney World Attractions

As our trip to Walt Disney World gets closer (OH MY GOSH WE LEAVE IN FOUR DAYS) I’m in fulling planning mode. Now that we’ve been to the Happiest Place on Earth several times we have a pretty regular routine, depending on which park we are visiting. We have certain attractions on our absolute must-do list and some we bypass, with each family having their own personal favorite at each of the four parks. While I tend to sit out for most of the “thrill” rides, there is at least one attraction at every park that we love to ride together as a family. In some cases we love to ride our favorite over and over again. These are my most favorite times at Walt Disney World because while I don’t mind sitting on a bench and waiting while the guys enjoy a drop down Splash Mountain or a flight to Mars as members of the Mission Space Orange Team, I love when we are sitting side-by-side on the rides we love the most.

Here are some of our favorites. I chose to share one from each theme park, just for fun.

Magic Kingdom Family Favorite Attraction

  • Big Thunder Mountain Railroad – I have to say that this ride is the extent of thrill-seeking for me. It’s fast enough and rough enough without making me feel totally out of control and sick to my stomach. I mean, if you are into that kind of feeling then more power to you, but I prefer not to freak out or lose my lunch while on vacation. Want to take this one to an added extreme? Ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad after dark. So. Much. Fun.

Epcot Family Favorite Attraction

  • Soarin’ – Okay, I’ll admit it’s tough to choose a favorite at Epcot because we actually ride all of the attractions together and enjoy them pretty equally, but I chose Soarin’ for more personal reasons. See, I have a major fear of heights and while Paul will tell you this ride is hardly “off the ground”, I have a different opinion, especially when you add in all of the incredible effects. There are technically three levels, with the highest lifting you 40 feet into the air on a glider that then simulates the feeling of flying, complete with gorgeous landscapes and scents so powerful your nose is tricked into believing you are really soaring over orange groves and redwood forests. Okay, back to why this is a family favorite. While I pretty much freaked out the first time I rode Soarin’, I have now come to love it. I still get a little nervous while standing in the queue, but I take a few deep breaths and actually hope for a higher glider because the sight of dangling feet above my head tends to cause more anxiousness than if I’m sitting above everyone else. The overall experience of this attraction far outweighs my fear, so I force myself to ride it every time we visit Epcot and try to enjoy every single minute with my family by my side(s). Holding my hand(s) if I ask them nicely.

Disney’s Hollywood Studios Family Favorite Attraction

  • Star Tours – This decision was a no-brainer. We all pretty much beeline our way toward Star Tours the minute we enter Hollywood Studios and almost always ride it more than once during I time at the park. Mostly because there are literally more than 50 story combinations for this 3D, motion-simulated space flight to a galaxy far, far away, but also because it’s just a whole lotta fun!

Disney’s Animal Kingdom Family Favorite Attraction

  • Kali River Rapids – Here’s the thing. If you ride Kali River Rapids, you will get wet. Some seats certainly get wetter than others, but there’s really no way to avoid walking away a little soaked. Also? If you wear a poncho, you’re a wimp and I totally make fun of you as I pass you in line. Now, wanna know why we love riding this attraction together? Cody is crazy and will tell you it is because he loves to get drenched, but for me it’s one of those rides where you actually bond with other park guests. By bond I mean you chit chat and predict who will end up in the spot, the one where you win the shower of your life. As a side note, I highly recommend riding Kali River Rapids early in the day while the sun is shining so you have plenty of time to dry off as you wander around the rest of the park. Or pack extra clothes that day. Yeah, that’s probably the smarter choice.

There are so many attractions we enjoy as a family at Walt Disney World, but these are a few of the ones we love the most. Have you been to Disney World? If so, what is your family’s absolute favorite attraction to ride together?


  1. I have not been on Soarin’ – that is one I really do want to try out! My favorite ride is, no kidding, It’s a Small World. I <3 it so much!
    Robyn Wright of recently posted..COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [infographic]My Profile

    • One of my biggest fears is getting stuck on It’s a Small World when it breaks down AND you need to get back to Disney World and ride Soarin’…you’ll love it!!

  2. Saw your comment on Jana’s wine and dine post. I have to say my favorite ride in all the parks is Mount Everest. Now that the kids are a bit older — I think it’s a family favorite.
    jamie@southmainmuse recently posted..Ten things that made me smile this week.My Profile

    • Thank you so much for stopping by my little spot on the web! I REALLY wish I could build up the nerve to ride Expedition Everest, but I’m just not there yet. Maybe on our next trip? Maybe.


  1. […] than to watch my kids doing stuff. They could be playing a musical instrument in a school concert, smiling on a ride at Walt Disney World, or competing in a sport. I don’t really care as long as I can be there to witness as many […]

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